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      It was finally the Saturday of formal. Winter break officially started after this, and I actually had a date.

Life was pretty good right now. Kelsey was on her way to pick me up for the mall, her mom offering to get our nails and makeup done by her friend, and she'd do our hair.

Mrs. Hernandez was a hairstylist with cool auburn hair.

"I'm here puta!" She yelled and my mom laughed from the kitchen.

"What's that mean?" I cackled with my dress on, and a bare face and plain hair.

"It means let's go bitch." She grabbed my hand, waving off to my mom, and we squeezed into her little Jeep.

"I look like a mess." My hand pushing the sun visor with a mirror inside her car.

"A hot mess." Kelsey made a tsss noise with her finger and wiped it on me.

"Kels stop. You know how I feel about girls." I giggled and we made our way, all dressed up, minus our drab hair, our nails in need of a manicure, and our pale faces.

People stared at us as we strutted down the mall, to the center filled with Macs and Sephoras, nail salons and hair cutters.

"Ok, nails, makeup, then last stop, at the hair place where my moms working." Kels explained.

"Gotcha." We waltzed in, many moms staring at us teenagers in dresses, their eyes pretending to look at magazines.

"Hi, two manicures please!" Kelsey seemed a professional, her hair and makeup always done perfect at school.

"It'll be just a moment!" The lady called and we sat at the couches, I didn't know what to do.

I felt everyone's eyes on me, and Kelsey must've not noticed, her nose was in a designer home magazine.

I crossed my legs, Kelsey laughed at my bad posture in such an expensive dress. Oh lord, I'd never gone out of my way for something like this for homecoming with Tyler. Would Prom be like this?

"Ok ladies, let's take you back." A woman laughed at my chewed off nails. It was due to stress I bit them. She giggled to her friend and she spoke back in a different language while snickering at my hideous nails.

I sunk down in my seat embarrassed. Sure I caked on a lot of makeup, but I didn't know a thing about it. And nails? Well they were always short for piano playing, but I hadn't bothered to paint them since I bit them off all the time.

Kelsey sent me a small smile, noticing how uncomfortable I felt as the women working there laughed at how sad my nails were.

After finishing the red paint on my nails with thin white swirls, she put gems on them, noticing my red dress. We made no conversation, I stared back at the TV awkwardly.

Kelsey's nails looked stunning, dark blue with black swirls, and gems to match mine. We sat down and placed our hands under a glowing light thing. They dried them I assumed.

Once our nails were about seventy five percent dry, we left, Kelsey paying for us, and leaving a gracious tip.

"Sephora or Mac?" She asked and I shrugged dumbly. I got makeup at target or rite-aid, I'd never actually gotten my makeup done.

Øn yøur mind // Tyler JosephWhere stories live. Discover now