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"Stop. Right now." Tyler balled his small hands into fists. Teeth clenched, veins popping out of his arms and forehead. Literally. I'd never seen him so mad before in his life. It almost scared me.

Dave chuckled and stumbled a bit, still wasted from the Jack Daniels he practically bathed in this morning. "Kid. This is none of your business, now go home, this doesn't concern you." Even drunk he managed to keep most of his "cool" around Tyler. Well sorta. Minus the beating me up in the other room while Tyler showered.

"It is." He gritted his teeth, it sounded like nails on a chalk board. "My girlfriend, doesn't deserve to be handled like some toy to you sir." He put emphasis on the girlfriend.

Another cocky chuckle rose from the belly of Dave. "Heh. Get lost kid. You think you know everything because you have a little girlfriend here. Well maybe if you paid attention, you'd know she's a spoiled bitch." He laughed again and I gasped, somehow embarrassed by him calling me that in front of Tyler.

How did I manage to get embarrassed at a time like this? Where this grown man could beat Tyler up any day, easily.

Tyler didn't hesitate one second, not flinching or believing for one second I was spoiled. And Dave was just punishing me. "I know that's not true. Now I need you to stop, let go of her arm." Tyler spoke harshly, confidently.

The waver in his small voice was gone, it was as if he transformed into a new person, aggressive, angry.

Dave only smirked and gripped me tighter, I winced as my skin burned red beneath him. "Oh I'm sorry, like this?" He dropped my arm and shoved me towards Tyler, gripping my hair. He released his fist, me screaming out as I was thrown forward like a rag doll, landing roughly in Tyler's arms.

His jaw clenched, his eyebrows furrowed angrily. "Rowan. You're going to stay downstairs until I say to come up okay? Count of three, listen to me okay?" He pleaded and still stared at Dave angrily, well now he proved to someone he'd abused me.

Tyler had his evidence right here.

We had a witness, and Dave wouldn't let this get out.

"Tyler whatever you do, don't do anything stupid." I pleaded as he angrily pointed at the door.

"NOW!" He screamed at me, I hung my head low. Tyler's never yelled at me like that.

I understood this was serious, but Tyler didn't have to take his anger out on me. Didn't he want this hurting to stop?

I ran out as Tyler began saying stuff in an orderly fashion, yelling at Dave.

At least I didn't hear the shuffling of punches being thrown. Only conversations and raised voices.

"Sweetie, what's going on?" My mom seemed worried, looking at my stairs, debating whether to go up.

"Nothing mom." I didn't want to explain myself, she'd only doubt me and check anyways.

She raised an eyebrow suspiciously. "Aren't you supposed to be in school?" Or getting ready?"

"It's a late start because of the snow... " I sighed.

"Okay." She paused and shrugged believing me. "Who and what's going on up there?"

"Just Dave being Dave ya know?" I fake laughed and she didn't bother, going back to her room, missing work because she was used to it now, being an alcoholic.

"Ro!" Tyler let out and I went up, tripping over the stairs just to get there in time. I gasped as Dave had his hands around Tyler's neck, not squeezing hard since Tyler could yell my name, but putting his weight on him, not letting him move.

Øn yøur mind // Tyler JosephWhere stories live. Discover now