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       It was a snowy gloomy morning, the day back from break. The January morning seemed gloomy itself, nobody wanted to go back to school. Especially since it was snowing, and we had no late starts or snow days. We were forced to go to school.

The only good thing I could make of this morning, was that Tyler could give me a ride to school, and we'd be going as a couple.

Oh the looks of students faces as we passed them in the halls. Hands intertwined, you might not be able to tell we were dating, except Tyler snuck kisses as we walked down the hall. We became that couple, the annoying ones at school.

We walked into first hour confidently me forgetting to greet Jack this morning at the coffee hut. He'd have to find out later about our relationship.

Students stared and Josh came in happily. "I see you guys are friends again, good." Josh looked over at me over-protectively.

"Friends." I giggled and Josh stood confused, he didn't get the hint.

"We're not friends again." Tyler laughed and released his hand from mine.

Josh realized finally after Tyler made emphasis on our hands locked. "Tyler, if you ever hurt this girl, even the tiniest bit. I will personally come to your house–" Josh started but I interrupted.

"He won't hurt me." I laughed at how Josh treated me as if I were his little sister. He was good with girls, having so many sisters and being compassionate.

"Geez I thought I was gonna die for a second." Tyler sighed in relief.

"Congrats you two." Josh finally said and patted our heads. My teacher groaned at the sight of us, she liked Josh better than Tyler, huh. But I knew Josh liked a volleyball player with red hair, she was super cute and friendly like him.

We started off the day pretty boring, Tyler and I sitting thorough first hour until a certain Jack and Kelsey were spotted skipping class second hour.

Tyler and Josh were in the same class, while I was alone in choir. As I went to get a drink of water outside, I saw them holding hands, being all lovey-dovey, sipping warm coffee in the freezing temperatures outside.

"What are you children doing out here in this weather? Oughta wear a heavier coat." I laughed and nearly shivered just walking to the fountain through the main building.

"Get a job." Jack yelled and went back to playing with Kels hair. I felt like I accomplished something, getting my two friends together like this.

"Loser." I muttered and ran back inside, us seniors skipped a lot, but not me.

"Love you too!" Kelsey yelled out and snuggled deeper into his chest, I flipped them off as I ran into the class.

Lunch came up, the whole group of mine decided to go to the coffee hit Jack worked at. Turns out Josh was applying for the burrito truck across the street this spring. He was saving up for a drum kit, but also college.

Josh always struck me as a drummer with his wild brown hair, and nose piercing, but his cute eyes and smile, with his gentleness made him seem like he'd be too scared to hit a drum. Who knows though, that's just based on his sweet personality.

"Yo Alex, man you gotta hook us up!" Jack shouted at I'm guessing his friend, really loudly. Oh yeah, I'd seen him at the party I had gone to.

And old couple grumbled and left with their drinks, scowling at Jack, who seemed too obnoxious for their liking. I actually felt bad now but laughed at Jack's stupidity.

Øn yøur mind // Tyler JosephWhere stories live. Discover now