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I sat at my tiny table in my apartment, eating off-brand cereal. With my off-brand shoes on. Sadly my cheer season would be coming to an end soon.

There was no way I'd be able to afford the trip, our fundraising only paid for a small portion of Vegas.

Track needed me anyways this year. As Tyler's last basketball game of the season was already next week.

Time was flying by fast, and I feared for my future. College seemed impossible to pay off for someone like me, but I'd promised Tyler I'd be there with him.


It was after school, and I walked in the chilly breeze after cheer practice with my bag slung over my shoulder.

Home wasn't very far, but certainly wasn't near Tyler's perfect neighborhood.

Kelsey lived the other way too, so I walked alone. Josh's house wasn't too far from mine, it made me feel a little better.

So I waited on the bleachers for him to come out from wrestling. His sport ended soon.

Then, looking around boredly, I spotted Emma braiding someones hair and placing gentle pecks on the girl's cheek. Under the bleachers of course.

Emma played the straight role so well, I almost forgot about her. She didn't notice me creepily staring at her because she was so infatuated with the girl who kept giggling in front of her.

She turned around to kiss Emma back with rosy cheeks as she held her hands.

The other girl noticed me looking and stopped while inches from her lips. She tapped Emma's shoulders as she turned and saw me.

Emma looked mortified, but then realized I didn't hate her anymore. She made a 'zip it' motion with her hands, as I nodded and looked away from the lovey-dovey couple.

The couple that had to hide under the bleachers to save Emma's reputation.

It broke my heart actually, Emma's parents, and probably the whole school, couldn't find out the truth.

So much was expected from her, she'd played the stereotype of being a bitchy cheerleader, with guys all over her.

But all she wanted was her girlfriend. I glanced briefly at her braiding her hair.

They pulled away completely as Josh rounded the corner of the track with heavy footsteps.

"Hey." He came over with his water bottle and an array of unhealthy snacks to go with his workout.

"Walking me home?" I snuck a hand into his bag, Oreos in it.

"Yep. And hey, get your own food!" He joked yet still shared with me.

"I wish Tyler lived near us." I blurted shyly as we began walking on the gray sidewalk, gray skies above us.

"Me too. I wish Tyler understood people like us." Josh randomly thought.

"What do you mean?" I stopped shoveling his snacks in my mouth and thought.

"Tyler has a family who cares if he goes to college. They care about his grades, the family of coaches and straight A's. Heck they homeschooled him." Josh didn't seem mad, but he frowned at his luck.

"Josh you're not going to college are you?" I asked with wide eyes as he stayed silent. "Josh?!" I went to grab his hand as he actually seemed upset.

"Ro, it's not for me. There's too many kids in my family that their education matters more than mine." He sighed.

"Josh, don't think like that. Hey it's okay if you aren't going, we'll still see you, I promise." I grabbed his shoulder as he nodded slowly.

Øn yøur mind // Tyler JosephWhere stories live. Discover now