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      I watched as Rowan's chest moved up and down, her slow breathing and her lips slightly parted. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, and grabbing a blanket from the fort we'd made last night.

"Tyler?" She croaked out and I stuck my head in, concerned.

"Yes Ro?"

"I'm hungry." She giggled and I sighed in relief.

"Let's go down and eat then." She didn't budge, obviously still half awake.

"Okay." I grew tired of waiting for her and buried my hands under her back and thighs.

"What're you doing?" She asked as I forced her arms to wrap around my neck. I was carrying her bridal-style to the kitchen.

"I'm carrying the princess to her royal breakfast." I cooed and she crinkled her nose up at me.

"Awe." She laughed. "But I'm the queen."

"And I'm the king?" I asked playing along.

"No you're the peasant. Now feed me." She laughed and I plopped her down on the couch.

"Oh Tyler, Mom and Dad went out fishing and then they're going to lunch together." Zack came in shirtless with his pajamas on. Oh brother. "Oh, hey Rowan." He smirked.

"Hey Zack. And Ro's fine." She blushed and I felt my hands clench into fists.

"Zack if you'd excuse us... " I practically growled at his jerkiness. Sure I loved my younger brother, but he was a bit of a player. And Rowan couldn't be with a flirt like him, she was too special to me.

"Sure thing man. See you around Ro." He winked and she laughed.

"Oooh Tyler why's your face so red?" She teased and got up to go to my fridge.

"Rowan he's sixteen. You're eighteen. Grow up." I spoke angrily. In fact, it wasn't her fault at all, I just got jealous and possessive over her, and I didn't know how to deal with it. Zack didn't help either being shirtless.

"Ok dad. And I hate when you call me that. It's Ro." She huffed and grabbed cereal from my pantry.

"Why are you so... moody lately?" I wanted to say bitchy but I knew that'd get me a smack from Ro, even though she was nice, she wouldn't take that kinda stuff from me.

"Why are you? Tyler you've changed." She poured the milk into her cereal and avoided my gaze.

"No. You have. Wearing pounds makeup, getting suspended, Ro, you... you care what people think." I crossed my arms and she shrugged.

"Just because I joined cheer doesn't mean I've changed. And you made me remember?" She stuffed her face and stared blankly at the table.

"But... you're different. And I don't know why but I don't like it."

"Well I'm sorry I'm not what you're looking for in a best friend anymore." She shot back and continued eating, while looking hurt. She was inferring Josh and I.

"What do you mean? You are my best friend." I pulled out a chair and sat next to her, she still wouldn't look at me.

"Tell that to Josh." She sighed and I grabbed her hand, her pulling away scared.

Øn yøur mind // Tyler JosephWhere stories live. Discover now