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     I woke up, myself feeling a warm pair of hands thrown about my waist, and his legs tangled in mine. Ah, waking up to this was great. Was I dreaming? No, it was in fact real.

Somehow he'd lost his shirt in the middle of the night, I laughed at his snoring body, but frowned seeing the red lines scattered on his stomach. It hurt me every time I saw that.

"Good morning." He squinted through the bright room. The white snow outside reflecting onto my dark walls.

I felt my stomach flip as his husky voice called out. "Morning." I ran fingers through his hair.

"What do you wanna do today?" He grinned up at me with messy hair. I wanted to tug at it some more but he pulled away.

"I don't know, we could play video games, or watch TV, or anything inside really... " I laughed hating the cold.

"Mmhm, we can make a snowman outside." He suggested.

"Sure, why not." I giggled at his childish tendencies. And myself for doing anything for him.

"And play board games. And sit by your fireplace, and drink cocoa, and snuggle up and watch a movie!" His eyes lit up in delight and I had to smile back, it was contagious.

"Ok. Busy day."

"C'mon, I'll make breakfast and you can make cocoa later tonight." He grabbed my hand excitedly, like a kid going downstairs for Christmas presents early.

"I can make eggs, orange juice and a fruit bowl?" He offered.

"Yes please!" I watched as he threw on a shirt, plus an apron.

I decided to get half ready, just brushing out my hair and applying makeup. Tyler called me down, it must've been done.

"Smells delicious."

"Order up, we got one healthy breakfast for miss Ro." He called out and placed the plate in front of me.

"Thanks Ty."

"You're welcome princess." He said casually but I felt my stomach drop and my smile grow bigger.

He took a seat next to me, instead of across from me, and watched me eat and smile while he did. It was a comfortable silence.

"So, are we going to bundle up and go outside?" He asked cutely.

"Sure." I came back out with at least three pairs of socks on, stuffed into my boots, which weren't even snow boots. Oh please don't let my toes get frostbite.

"You look cute." He giggled.

"Shut up, I look like the Michelin Man with all these puffs." I poked my heavy jacket.

Tyler had a scarf bundled around his neck, and a beanie placed on his styled up hair.

"Let's go!" He led me out as we fell about two feet in the snow. I didn't know if this was bad... or was this good? Maybe my mom was stuck due to the roads and that's why she couldn't come home. I wondered.

Anyways, I instantly sunk down with Tyler following. It got in my boot and I screamed, jumping to cover under my balcony, with no snow underneath.

"This shall be our fortress!" Think about it!" Tyler laughed as I envisioned it. One wall was facing my house, one was mostly covered by the stairs leading up the balcony, all we needed were two and a half walls to cover this fortress and call it our own.

Øn yøur mind // Tyler JosephWhere stories live. Discover now