Chapter 41

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Allison's POV

Now that we finally got the meeting with Simon over with, I feel like I can relax and breathe. The guys left the day after and headed back to spend more time with their family and friends. There's still the issue of what people will be saying online, but as Harry and the others have said, we know what the truth is. I've had a hard time letting the negative comments about me roll of my back. I can't help but take them personal and get upset about them. I don't know how any famous person can just ignore it and not let it affect them. But, I've always been quite emotional and let people get the best of me. Mean words hurt and ugly comments get under my skin. I just can't help that. I made the mistake of looking at the posts again with the pictures of me "cheating" on Harry. What bothers me the most about this is the fact that everyone thinks I'm cheating on him, when the reality is the complete opposite. I was getting taken advantage of and hurt. So far today I've been called a cheating bitch, a slut, a whore, a nasty bitch who doesn't deserve Harry. Now, that's not to say I didn't have any people supporting me. There were some that defended me, saying that I'm not like that and that they don't even know the true story. Even after Harry commented back about what really happened, the negative comments didn't stop. They said he was just protecting himself and trying to cover for me and my infidelity. Ugh, it's just so hard to ignore it all. The negative comments definitely out weigh the positive ones, and it makes it hard to remember there are people that aren't so mean out there supporting me and Harry. He tries to tell me is just because they don't want him to be taken anymore, they like him better when he's single. I guess it gives them a false hope of being with him, I'm not really sure.

Harry walks in on me in the room we're sharing as I'm looking at the pictures, but I'm too caught up to notice. I'm getting so irritated and mad, I start trying to squeeze the life out of my phone and I begin to yell at it, at the people posting the comments as if they're going to answer me back. "WHY THE HELL WOULD I CHEAT ON HIM!!?! AAHHH! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR'RE TALKING ABOUT! ANY OF YOU!!" I throw my phone down on the bed and rake my fingers through my hair.

"Uh, are you ok?" Harry looks at me, slightly amused by the sight he just saw, but sympathetic at the same time. He picks up my phone, inspecting it. He looks at me as he sets it back down. "Just making sure it's still breathing. You were squeezing it pretty hard there." He chuckles.

"It's not funny. God they are just so mean. I wish there was a way to just get rid of those pictures all together, erase them from the internet all together. Because this isn't going to just stop." Tears threaten my eyes and they burn.

"Allie, baby I hate to break it to you, but you're right, it's not going to stop. The thing is, even if that picture went away magically, there's always going to be another. Remember me warning you about this stuff before? No matter what picture there is, there's always going to be someone saying something negative. You just have to learn to ignore it and realize they don't matter." He lifts his hands towards my face and tucks the hair behind my ear. I bite my cheek as I glance around the room, not wanting to make eye contact with him because I know I won't be able to stop the tears from trickling down my cheek. "Hey, look at me." He tilts my chin up so our eyes meet. I bite hard on my cheek, don't cry, don't cry. "We've been there before, all of us guys. Trust me, I've had my fair share of tears and rage about things people have said about me. I know how it feels, believe me, and I know how you're feeling right now. I know it's not easy to just let them go, but you have to try. You're already doing better than most. Most people by now would have fired back at them, but you're better than that." He's right. Commenting back will just make it worse, it'll start a stupid online feud that's childish.

"I can take people making comments about me, I get that that's going to happen because of me being with you and people not liking it. I get that. But this particular one hurts more because they think I'm some cheating tramp and I'm not...." I trail off, there's no point in hashing this out again and again. Harry knows, I know, we all know. I feel like I'm just saying the same things over and over and it's not making the pictures go away. I have to suck it up and grow thicker skin. I let out a deep breath and decide from that moment on, I'm not going to worry about those stupid pictures. "OK....I'm over it now." I put on the best smile I can and look back at Harry. "From now on I'm going to try harder to not let it get to me. Screw them, right?" He chuckles at me.

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