Chapter 69

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Allison's POV

I texted Harry that I wanted to stay and talk with my dad a little more, he agreed that if it's going well, I should stay until I'm ready to go home. It's already half past 3, we've been sitting at the same table for 3 hours now and the waiter keeps coming by to "check" on us. I'm sure he's getting annoyed and ready for us to stop drinking all their DR. Pepper and either order some more food or get out. We decide to go for a walk through Central Park.

"Do you remember that little girl down the street, Josey? You two used to pal around quite a bit right?" My dad quizzes me more about my childhood.

"Yeah, until she stole my boyfriend in the 7th grade." I crinkle my nose remembering that awful day. I was so mad at her. But now, I let out a breathy laugh thinking about it.

"Wait, you had a boyfriend in the 7th grade? How did I not know about tha.....nevermind." He stops himself, he knows exactly how he didn't know about it. That's about the time him and my mom got really really bad.

"Yeah. Well, I say boyfriend but it was like a childhood crush type thing. I mean John sat with me at lunch and he carried my books. Bout it. I was so pissed off at her though. We never spoke again after that." I shrug.

"I never met John, right? I mean I don't remember that name." He looks at me curiously.

"No, I never brought him over. I was too embar...I mean, I just never really had people over, I usually went to other people's houses." I almost said that I was too embarrassed. And while that's the truth, there was no way I ever wanted anyone over to my house growing up. There was no way I'd take a chance of them seeing our trashed out place, or them seeing my parents sloppy drunk or passed out, damn near an overdose. I didn't want people to feel sorry for me. I didn't want that pity. And at that age, all it would take was for someone to find out, then the whole school would know. But right now, that's in the past and my dad feels bad enough for all the bad shit I had to go through, I don't want nor need to make him feel any worse.

After I about said that, I notice his body language has changed, he knows what I was about to say. "Yeah, I was like that as a kid too. Always had more fun at other people's houses and what not." He's staring at his feet as we walk, hands deep in his pockets and he kicks a little rock as we go. "We're a lot alike, me and you."

"You think? I know we look alike, that's for sure." I smile and look at him.

"Yeah, everyone who ever saw you said it looked like I gave birth to you myself, not your mom. That's how much we looked alike." He laughs, making me laugh as well. "Oh! I almost forgot. There's something I wanted to show you." He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out his wallet. Behind his driver's license is a really old looking picture, very tattered and worn looking. He pulls the picture out carefully so as not to tear it. He holds it over towards me and I squint my eyes and cock my head to get a better look. "Here." He hands it to me and I take it carefully between my fingers.

"Is that me?" Things from the picture start to look familiar as my dad nods and confirms it. "Oh my god, I remember those pajamas!" I was pretty young in that picture, but I definitely remember the pajamas.

"Hah, you loved Minnie Mouse growing up. And those pajamas...oh my god. We would have to fight you to take change out of them. I think you were about 3 in that picture. After I came back and you were gone, I found that picture in your room and I kept it in my wallet ever since. I had almost forgotten about that picture and those damn pajamas until I came across it." He smiles as he reminisces about that time. I hand the picture back carefully and he slowly slides it back in behind his license.

"I'm really glad you looked for me and found me." I say quietly as we continue our slow walk. "I'm glad you changed."

"You and me both. I haven't had even a sip of alcohol since that day. I have to say I have never felt better than I do right now. I started to think I wasn't going to ever find you. Honestly, 6 years of searching with no luck, you start to convince yourself that it just isn't in the stars for you and it's not going to happen. I know people do it for decades sometimes, I don't know how they do it without getting so frustrated. Maybe my luck is finally changing. I'm just relieved to know you're ok." He looks up at me and gives a small smile.

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