Chapter 66

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Allison's POV

The tour is literally flying by. Every concert I swear is better than the last. The crowds are absolutely amazing and I am so blessed to be a part of these 5 guys' lives. Everytime we go out and they get pictures, atleast once I get asked what it's like being Harry's girlfriend. I can't even put it into words. The thing is, they ask me because he's famous and, let's just admit, he's fucking hot. But they don't know the real Harry. They think they do because of what they read online, or what they see in interviews. And while all that is true and real, it's only the surface of him. They don't know how incredibly intelligent he is. They don't know how with just a simple look we can almost have a nonverbal conversation. They don't know how ridiculously sweet and protective he is over people he loves, over me. He would do anything for the people that mean the world to him, he would give the shirt off his back to someone that needed it. No one knows how me and Harry are connected. No one knows, besides the guys and our families, that when I first met him I didn't know about the band and the fame. So I think all his fans assume I'm in it for that. But it's so far beyond that, it's not even funny. So to ask me what it's like being Harry's girlfriend, I can only say it's perfect. It's a dream that I pray I never wake from. He is everything I could ask for in a person and I still have no idea how I got this lucky. I never had good luck with anything in life, until him.

We're on the bus on the way to New York. The concert is in 3 days. It's going to take us about another day on the bus, with the occasional stops to fill up and stretch. But for the most part we'll be on the bus. It's kinda nice being back on the bus. Most people would hate it, but to me it feels like home. It's where me and Harry first got to really know each other. It's comforting to me and I'm glad to be back.

I check my phone for the time, it's 9:30 in the morning. Harry is still sleeping next to me, looking like an angel as usual. I slowly sit up and put my bra on under my shirt, which is a lot tricker than it sounds in the cramped space of the bus. I slide the curtain back quietly so I don't wake Harry up. Looks like everyone is still sleeping. Except Liam, his bunk is empty. I head to the bathroom and quickly brush my teeth and fix my bed head. Liam is in the back room watching a movie as I slide the doors open.

"Care if I join you?" I ask causing him to snap his head back to look at me.

"Of course. I'm watching Batman." He lays his head back on the pillow on the couch/bench type seating area. I take the one on the other side.

"How long have you been up?"

"About 2 hours. I woke up and gave up on falling back asleep. Figured I'd just hang out. How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good. I'm excited to go back to New York, I miss Tammy." I told her my first stop after settling in at the hotel will be her place. She's excited to show me her wedding pictures. Her and Carl got married a month ago. They flew to Hawaii and did a small ceremony on the beach. I was so bummed I couldn't make it, but it wasn't really planned. They went for vacation and decided to go for it. I'm happy for her, they make a good pair.

"I'm sure she's excited to see you too. And New York is one of my favorite places to perform at. The city itself is just amazing alone."

We chat for a bit before the other boys trickle in, one by one. Everyone except Harry. I know he's exhausted so I figured I'd just let him sleep. The movie ended and we decided to play Mario Kart, which I usually dominate at. They're always wanting ratches, I think they're all just gluttons for punishment.

Harry's POV

I wake up to an empty bunk. Instantly I frown, my girl isn't with me. I check the time, it's almost 11. How did I sleep this late? I peek my head out of the curtain, everyone is up and it appears they're in the back room. I take this time to call my mum. I keep putting it off and then get busy and forget. I unlock my phone and search her name in my contacts. It only rings twice before she picks up.

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