Chapter 47

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Allison's POV

The next few weeks have come and gone so quickly. Gemma left Holmes Chapel to go back to university, we text every once in a while. We became really close during her few days at the house, and I finally feel like I have a legit girlfriend. I've always wanted to have girls I can gossip with, shop with and hang out with, but never had that growing up. Me and Anne have bonded and have grown close as well. She treats me like a daughter and I feel like I can talk to her about anything. She's a lot like Tammy to me. But being Harry's mom makes it even more special, she likes me and we get along and that makes me feel good. Harry and Gemma have both told me how she never got along with any of Harry's past girlfriends the way she does with me. And I like that. I've become adjusted to Holmes Chapel, it still weirds me out hearing the thick English accents, but I love it here. Me and Harry have been able to go out and about, shopping or dinner, without being mobbed and it's nice. I love that Harry is in a band and is doing what he loves, but being here we can live a pretty normal life and it's refreshing. Reality strikes all too soon.

"So the guys are coming soon, we have to go meet with Simon tomorrow and talk about the upcoming tour. We leave in 2 weeks and we need to get together and rehearse. This is the part I'm not that fond of. We have to cram a lot of work in before we leave, it gets a bit stressful." Harry runs his fingers through his curls and pushes them to the side.

"Ok. It sounds stressful." I lean against him on the couch as we flip through the channels, trying to find something to watch.

"Do you ever wish I wasn't in a band?" He stays staring at the TV.

"What? No. I love that you're in a band and you are following your dreams. You've come a long way and I'm proud of you." I lean up and kiss his cheek, making him smile.

"What if I wasn't in a band? Would you still feel the same about me?" Where is this coming from? He looks worried for some reason and I can't figure out why.

"Of course silly. I love you, band or no band. How could you ask that? It makes me sad that you even wonder that." I crinkle my forehead, still trying to figure out what's going on in that crazy mind of his.

He lets out a sigh and his body feels a little more relaxed. "I know. I know you do. I was just thinking. It's stupid, nevermind." He shakes his head and goes back to flipping channels.

"Nuh uh, whatever it is it's not stupid. Tell me. Where's all this coming from all the sudden?" Now I'm worried. I sit up and turn to face him, legs crossed Indian style, waiting for an answer.

"It's just....I had a dream last night that the fans quit buying our music, the band dissolved and I had to go back to working at the bakery. Then you left." He bites his cheek, just the way I do when I'm nervous.

I grab his hand, he still won't look at me. "Hey, look at me." I pull his chin towards me, forcing eye contact. "You should know better than anyone that I'm not here because of the band thing. Period. We clicked before I even knew who you were, remember? When I first went up there I had no idea what your name was, or who One Direction was. So this has nothing to do with that. Don't get me wrong, it's fun being on tour with you and seeing you do what you love, but I'd be just as happy being here and you working at that bakery. My love is for you, not your work. And I hope you really know that, it kind of hurts my feelings that you'd even ask me that." I tell him and I mean it. I don't want him ever doubting why I'm here. "Famous or not, I'm here."

"I know, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Dreams like that get in my head and I can't shake it. I know you're here for me. I guess I just needed to hear it said out loud." He turns and faces me more and squeezes my hands. "So you'd be cool if I decided one day to just quit. Go back to being just Harry that no one knows?"

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