Chapter 21

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Allison's POV

I decide to stay in the bus while they fill up and the guys get out to stretch and walk around a bit. I lay back in my bunk as I hear Harry's phone go off. I glance at it and notice it says "Gemma" on it with a picture I'm guessing is her. His sister. I don't dare answer it, of course. I notice how pretty she is i can see the resemblance. After it quits ringing I notice his background is set to the picture of us from early this morning. Such a small thing, but so very sweet. What is this boy doing to me? I can't even hear his name without my heart fluttering.

The boys all load back up on the bus, laughing and joking about a girl inside the gas station. Something about how she walked past Zayn, then realized who it was. She turned and was staring at him as she ran into the display, knocking everything over. The boys are all laughing as Louis tells the story and acts it out. I laugh just picturing it. "Poor girl..." I say, can't help but feel sorry for her.

"Ehh, she was cool about it. We helped her pick the stuff up that fell and she got some pictures with us. She laughed it off too." Liam says as he's trying not to laugh.

"Oh Harry, your phone was ringing while you were in there." I hand him his phone as he clicks the button and smiles. Oh that smile.

"It was Gemma. My mum must have told her I called earlier. You guys can go back in the back room if you want, I'm going to call her back real quick." We all start to head back as he grabs my wrist. I turn and look at him and he pulls me towards him.

"I figured you want some privacy?"

"You can stay if you want." He plants a kiss on my cheek as he starts to redial her back. We crawl into his bunk. We're so close, or maybe the phone is so loud, that I can hear the ringing on the other end before a sweet voice says "hello?"

"Hey Gemma, sorry about missing your call..." I lay next to him playing on twitter as I hear her come back at him.

"Oh sure, you just ignore me now that you have a girlfriend huh? I see how it is little brother..."

His hand covers his face as he lets out a sarcastic laugh. "I knew you'd be upset about mum hearing about her before you."

He covers the mouthpiece with his hand as he whispers to me "You'd think I never had a girlfriend before, the way these two are acting about you..."

I laugh and shake my head. I think it's cute. I hear his sister reply "Well, are you going to tell me about her or do I need to get the details from mum?!"

"Ok ok, geeze. Well, her name is Allie. She's 20..." He turns on his side looking at my face as he describes me. I blush and keep my eyes focused on the ceiling of the bunk, too embarrassed to look at him. "....she's incredibly beautiful, she's smart, she's funny as hell. She's amazingly sweet to me, and everyone around her. She cares about everyone she comes in contact with..." I look over at him, my eyes start to water as I look him in his eyes. I've never had anyone talk about me like this. And mean every word. My mind and body almost don't know how to react. He bites his lip before he continues to embarrass me with more compliments. "....She's got all theses nervous habits that drive me crazy. Good crazy. Long brown hair that's naturally wavy. Hazel eyes that make me weak in the knees...." He wipes a stray tear away form my cheek. He can't continue as she cuts him off.

"Geeze Harry, you sound like you're in love or something the way you talk about her." Oh no.

"That's because I am." He smiles big at me and I smile back. Hearing him confess his love for me to his sister makes it all the more real. I don't even know if the guys know for sure yet.

"What?!? Are you serious? So soon Harry?"

"I'm serious Gemma. I've never been more sure of anything. She's my soul mate. And you'll get to meet her when I come home after this. She's with us on the bus finishing the tour."

"Wow, she's living on the bus? She must be something. I've never heard you speak of a girl like this before. Well, I'm happy for you. You deserve it. I can't wait to meet her! Tell her I said hello, ok?"

"I will. Love you Gemma. I'll call you soon ok? Ok, bye!" He looks at me.

"You are too much you know it?" I wipe another tear away as his eyes hold mine.

"Why are you crying baby?"

I let out a little laugh. "Good tears Harry, good tears. It's just nice having someone love me like you do. I've never had even an ounce of love from anyone as much as I have from you. I don't deserve you. All of this..." I look around the bus.

"You deserve everything Allie. And I'm going to try my best to give you just that. I promise I won't stop trying until you have it all."

"I meant to ask you, what all does your mom know about last year. How we met and how we parted? Just so I'm on the same page..."

He takes a deep breath and talks low so no one else overhears him. "I never told anyone the real reason either of us were up there. After you talked me into backing away I didn't want anyone else to know. I didn't want them to worry about me. So I told the guys and my mum that we both were up there to get air when we randomly ran into one another. And that we talked for a while before we both fell asleep. The guys thought we slept together that night and your thank you note was for that. And I told my mom you must have just got overwhelmed with the whole celebrity thing."

I nod as I take it all in. It would make sense, so it's not completely unbelievable. I'm glad he never told them the truth. I wouldn't want them to treat me differently.


"Harry, would you sing for me? I just realized I haven't heard you sing yet. Atleast not in person. I mean, you don't have to. I was just curious."

"I'd love to sing for you Allie. I've been waiting for you to ask me that actually. Most girls would ask me within the first 15 minutes. Another little thing that's set you apart from the rest of them." He winks as he tries to think of what to sing. "Hmmm, how about....Chasing Cars? I like that one."

I nod and agree. "Good choice."

He starts to sing quietly.

"We'll do it all....Everything.....On our own. We don't need...Anything....Or anyone..." He turns towards me as he continues.

"If I lay here.....If I just lay here....Would you lie with me and just forget the world..."

I cut him off by crashing my lips to his. His voice is beautiful. I always thought so on the radio and CD's when I listened to them over the last year...but in person it's so much better. The low and raspy voice is hot. Really hot.

Harry's POV

She's kissing me deep and I don't stop it. My hand reaches behind her making sure the curtain is closed all the way. Her tongue glides against mine. She slows the kiss down and sucks on my bottom lip before releasing it and pulling back looking into my eyes.

"I take it you like my singing?" I wink and grin at her.

"Like it? It's incredibly sexy."

"Hmm, good to know. I'll sing for you again, but only if you reward me each time with a kiss like that." I'm only half joking. I'll take kisses like that from her all day if I could.

"Deal!" She lets out a giggle.

"Do you sing at all?"

"Yeah. Well, not when anyone's listening anyway. Mostly just in the car and shower."

I look at her with my eyebrows raised, impressed with her once again.

"Let me clarify...just because I said I sing in the car and shower doesn't mean I'm any good." She shyly smiles. "I'm no good at it if I'm honest."

"I'll be the judge of that. You'll sing infront of me eventually."

"Not if I can help it!" She kisses me again and I slip my tongue across her bottom lip.

I think to myself, we'll see about that. I smile as I kiss her. She pulls back and giggles. "C'mon, let's go hang out with the guys. I want to learn some more chords." She pulls me towards the back of the bus as she picks up the guitar. I can't get over how incredibly hot she looks holding that guitar.

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