Chapter 85

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Allison's POV

The deep hum of the cello fills my ears as Canon in D starts to play. I'm still in the bridal room as my nerves really hit me all the sudden. I feel like I could nearly pass out. My girls got pulled from the room a few minutes before, leaving me alone by myself. My heart feels like it could pound out of my chest. This is it. I'm getting married to my best friend and couldn't be happier.

There's a soft knock at the door that shakes me from my thoughts. "Come in." I say, quietly and I can feel my voice shaking. The door creeks open slowly and my dad peeks his head in. "Hey..." I'm so glad he's here. I went so long without him, now that he's back in my life I couldn't imagine him not being a part of my wedding.

"Hey sweetie. It's time..." He smiles and walks in closer, the door being open lets in the music a little louder. I love this song. "Wow you look so beautiful." My dad's eyes water as he fixes my veil that rests on the back of my head.

"Thanks. Are you ready?" I say and take in a deep breath, letting it out slowly.

"Yeah...yeah I'm ready. C'mon." He picks up my bouquet of flowers, handing them to me as he puts his arm out for me to hold onto. With my arm looped through his, I hold the flowers and use my other hand to help hold my dress up to lessen the dragging. The wedding planner stops us at the end of the hallway.

"The last couple hasn't made it to the isle yet....wait just a second." She smiles and watches out the window for Liam and Gemma to reach the altar.

"You ok?" My dad pats my hand and looks down at me with emotional eyes.

"Yeah. Just too many emotions right now. Just don't let go of me ok?" I look at him and pray I don't trip in front of everyone.

"Of course." He smiles and looks back ahead at the woman, waiting for a go ahead.

I close my eyes, I can hear my heart beating out of control. The music starts to fade a little, I take a few more deep deep breaths and exhale slowly. Even my breathing is trembling. I never thought I'd be this nervous, it's just this day has been something I've waited so long for I just want everything to go smooth and perfect.

"Ok, it's time..." The woman motions for us to go.

My dad and I both look at each other and give a reassuring smile and he nods and slowly starts to walk. We approach the doors and the planners both swing them open for us, the music picks up louder and everyone stands and turns to look at us. Now I'm really nervous. I hate being the center of attention, everyone staring at me makes me feel awkward. I shyly smile as we walk down the white walkway. I still can't see Harry, everyone standing is blocking my view. I just want to see him and kiss him so badly. I grip tighter on my dad's bent elbow, he glances down at me a few times to make sure I'm ok. The second we turn the corner, I look down at the end of the isle and that's when I see him standing there. Harry. Suddenly all my nerves, my anxiousness, my fears of messing this up, everything goes away.

Harry's POV

My hands clasped together infront of me grip each other tighter as I stand, waiting to see her. I stare at the ground as the music fills my ears. I shift nervously on my feet waiting in anticipation, I feel Liam's hand rest on my shoulder. I look back at him and he gives me a reassuring nod. If it weren't for him, I would have gone absolutely mad today, he's really helped me keep my cool as best as I can. I look back at the crowd of people, all with their heads turned to the back. They're all whispering to each other, I'm sure they're saying just how gorgeous she looks. A few of them turn to look at me wanting to see my facial expression, which is nothing but nervous and anxiousness. I stare back down at my feet and wait. All of this feels like it's happening in slow motion, like time has almost stopped and it's teasing me. I continue my stare at my feet when I hear everyone in the rows of chairs closest to the altar gasp. I look up and at the end of the long isle I see her. My Allie. And she's absolutely breath taking.

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