Chapter 71

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Harry's POV

Any time we finish up a tour, it's bitter sweet. We live for performing, we live for singing infront of sold out arenas, fans singing along with our songs, and we live for making them happy. But at the same time, it's nice to have some downtime and feel like regular old people and go back home to London. This time, it's even sweeter since I have Allie to go home with me. I no longer have to return to London and find things to do with my time and keep occupied so I don't get bored. I have her to spend my every waking moment with. Not to mention the fact that now that the tour is over, we head to California for a few days of relaxing on the beach, just the 6 of us. And hopefully leave there engaged.

After we left dinner at Allie's dad's house, we went back to the hotel. Tammy ended up coming and spending time with us as we packed so she could see Allie before we had to leave. Allie spent the whole evening telling Tammy about her dad finding her, and getting to know him again. She was a little apprehensive about the whole thing, but only because she cares about Allie and doesn't want to see her get hurt, just like the rest of us. But after having dinner with them, I don't see that happening. I really think Brad is a completely different man than he used to be, and I think it will all work out great. While they were distracted talking, I took that time to sneak the box out of the room's safe and I decided I'd slip it inside the extra pair of boots I keep with me. No one would ever think to look in there, the pair of boots are usually at the bottom of my suit case, covered with clothes. I shoved the box way down inside towards the toe part just to be extra safe incase she happens to peek inside the boot for some reason. Tammy ends up staying and talking with me and Allie until after midnight. We sat in the living area on the couches, I had my head laying in Allie's lap, her fingers playing with my hair as her and Tammy laughed and caught up. It didn't take me long before I was out. The next thing I knew Tammy was gone and Allie was waking me up to get in bed.

We left early that morning and drove to Philadelphia to get settled in before our next show. Of course, Allie stood side stage and shot me sweet smiles each time I'd look at her while we sang and danced around on the stage. God I love having her there. She tells me each time after we're done how great I was, how proud she is of me, and how much she enjoyed the show. I just feel really lucky to have her actually want to be there with me each time. She looked a little bummed this evening after our last and final show was over.

"Hey what's wrong?" I ask her as I step out of the shower. It feels so good to clean off after sweating so much on stage. She sits on her knees on the floor of our hotel room as she packs away her final items.

"It's just kind of sad, it's over, ya know?" She folds a shirt and tucks it in her suitcase.

"Yeah I know. It's always a bit strange when the final show ends. Most people would think 'ok, back to reality now'....but the tour is our reality. Now we go back home and try to get back to what we used to be, until the next phase of writing and recording starts up. We definitely have a different lifestyle than most. But I'm glad you're a part of it." I kiss the top of her head as I walk by, just a towel wrapped around my hips. I grab my boxers and slide them up, then use the towel to try and dry my hair a bit better.

"So we fly back to London at what time tomorrow? God, this tour schedule has me all messed up. It's hard to keep track of what day it is, and what time we leave for what next." She laughs and shakes her head, going back to packing.

"We actually don't fly to London tomorrow." I grin and bite my lip as she pops her head up and looks at me confused. I kept it a surprise.

"What do you mean, we don't go back to London tomorrow? The tour is over right? I heard the driver talk about taking the bus back in the morning."

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