Chapter 43

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******Just a disclaimer, some of my names for other people I've just made up and experiences/pasts, so please don't tell me I'm screwing up facts. I'm just making up a story, it's not supposed to be 100% factual and true. Thanks! - Michelle *****

Allison's POV

"I'll be down in a minute!" Gemma was waiting on me so we can go shopping, but Harry is making it difficult to get ready and go. He's staring at me as I change my clothes, his hands keep grabbing at me and pulling me to him, distracting me. "Harry, she's waiting on me....keep your hands to yourself so I can finish getting ready!" I playfully swat his hands away from me.

"I can't help it, seeing you half naked gets me crazy. Can't you just tell her to go shopping by herself and stay here with me?" He pouts out his bottom lip and gives me puppy dog eyes. "Pleeeease? I'll make it worth your stay, I promise." He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

"Oh no, no way. For one, I want to hang out with her so we can get to know each other better, and secondly, your mom will be here. No more shacking up while she's here, it makes me nervous!" The memories of us having sex in his mother's house while she's in room not too far from us flashes in my head. I know we had sex on the tour bus with the guys right there, but that's different for two reasons. One: They're guys, they're our age and they do the same type of stuff, plus they were asleep and most of the time they have their headphones on as they're falling asleep. Two: It's his mom for crying out loud. I don't want her to think badly of me.

"Ugh, you're no fun. Well how long do you think you'll be?" His hands rest on my hips as I pull my sweater over my head and try and fix my hair.

"I don't know, a few hours?" I walk over to the mirror on the dresser and make sure my hair is somewhat presentable. I decide to throw it up in a top knot, a few stray pieces framing my face. I see Harry in the mirror, looking pitiful. "Oh gah, it won't be that long Harry. You get to spend some quality time with your mom, you need that." He stands from the bed and walks over to me, snaking his hands around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder, softly kissing my neck.

"Mmhmm..." He hums, but continues to kiss my neck, sliding my sweater off my shoulder, placing kisses to the exposed skin. His hands trace down my waist and to my inner thigh, inching their way up. He thinks he's sneaky.

"Hey hey, I know what you're trying to do mister." I turn and face him, my back against the dresser, him pressed to me. "And it's not going to work." I smile and kiss him on the lips, sliding my tongue on his bottom lip just to tease him. "Later, ok?" I playfully pat his butt as I slide out from his trap and grab my purse. He's coving his crotch with his hands, and I laugh.

"See what you do to me? Ughh, woman you're killing me. But yes, later, tonight. No ifs, ands, or buts, later." He winks at me as I leave the room, and head down the stairs.

"Sorry Gemma..."

"No worries. You ready?" I nod and she stands from the couch grabbing her purse as we make our way to the door. "Mum? We'll be back later ok?" Anne comes quickly jogging towards us from down the hall.

"Do you girls mind if I come along? I'd like to spend some time just us girls, plus I wanted to get a few things. Is that ok?" Gemma looks at me, and I look back at Anne.

"Of course we don't mind. Girl time is good." I smile and wonder what Harry is going to do all alone.

"Harry! I'm going with the girls! We'll be back in a bit!" Anne hollers up the stairs and I can barely hear Harry saying 'what?' before the door shuts behind her. We're no sooner in the car and Harry is calling Anne. "Sorry darling, but I needed to grab a few things too, and I thought we could have a girls only afternoon. You understand right?" I can't tell what he's saying on the other end, but I can hear the whining in his voice. They hang up and Anne looks at me "I hope he's not too upset...we should have invited him..."

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