Chapter 40

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Allison's POV

Harry and I stayed up way too late last night. While it was amazing, I'm extremely tired this morning. I didn't realize how hard it would be to stay quiet, I sure hope Anne didn't hear us. It's 10:45 as I roll out of bed, Harry's already up. He left a note on the pillow:

"Good morning beautiful. Come get some breakfast when you get up. Love, Harry"

As soon as I read that I could smell the bacon coming from downstairs. My stomach grumbled at me. I get up and slip on my plaid pajama pants and put a bra on under my tank top I slept in, and throw my hair up in a pony tail. As I make my way down the stairs I can hear the guys and Anne talking in the kitchen.

"Have you heard from Simon yet?" Anne's asking Harry, uneasiness coming from her voice.

"Not yet, I was going to give it a little and then call him, get this over with."

"That's probably a good idea."

All of them turn their heads as I appear in the door way. "Good morning." I give them all a small wave and a smile, feeling slightly embarrassed that they may have heard us last night. No one gave me any weird smirks or anything, so I think I'm safe. I pull up a chair next to Louis and grab some bacon and a biscuit off the platter and pour myself a glass of orange juice. I hear Waldorf's little paws scamper around the kitchen and look down petting him. I take a bite of bacon and stand up. "I'm going to take him out in the back." I scoop him in my arms and open the back door, setting him in the grass. I sit down and watch him play with a ball that's just about as big as he is, tumbling over it and rolling around. I laugh and call for him, it seems like he already knows his name. Such a smart dog. I hear the door open behind me and look over my shoulder and see Harry smiling at Waldorf. He then casts his eyes over to me giving me a warm smile.

"You bolted out of there pretty fast. Everything ok?"

"Yeah, I just felt weird being around them after know...afraid they or your mom especially heard me. Plus I needed to take this little guy outside before he has an accident in your mom's house." I playfully pet Waldorf as he licks my other hand. I ask him something that's been on my mind since last night, but didn't want to ruin the mood. "How come you were so hesitant to have sex last night?"

The look on his face tells me he definitely didn't expect that question. "I just....I don't know. I mean after almost know.....I just didn't know if you'd want to be, touched or anything. I didn't want you to do something that would make you uncomfortable after that." He's playing with Waldorf, not wanting to make eye contact with me.

"Silly boy. I know what happened was scary, for me and for you to see. But I will always want to be touched by you. I crave your touch always. I was afraid you didn't want me because of what happened. I don't want you mad at me for the pictures that are going to get back to your bosses. I still really am sorry Harry."

"I'm not mad at you, I promise. I just wish it never happened, any of it. But mostly because of you being in that position. I could give a shit less about what management is going to say, you did nothing wrong though, ok? Please stop worrying about it. I love you."

I feel somewhat better knowing he's not mad. I still dread that phone call though, we all know it's coming. Harry and I sit and play with Wally, rolling the ball back and forth as he chases after it. Harry laughs a deep chuckle as Wally trips over the ball and struggles to get back up.

Liam comes walking down the steps from the house and holds out Harry's phone, handing it to him. "It's Simon..." His voice is calm, but his face is full of worry. He takes his phone from Liam and holds it up to his ear, giving me a nod as if to tell me it's ok. The other boys stumble down the stairs as well, all crossing their arms staring at Harry, waiting for a reaction to what's being said on the other end of the line.

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