Chapter 1

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Allison's POV

I laid on the double sized bed in my hotel room staring at the ceiling. I have been here 5 nights, barely leaving the hotel room. I hardly even turned on the TV. All I could think about was how did my life end up this way? I'm a good person, I care about people (probably more than I should), I'm honest, I'm did my life end up like this? Weren't good people supposed to have good things happen to them? I haven't heard from any of the jobs I applied to. I give up. Tonight's the night I'm going to just end all this pain that's been bottled up for so long. I was shaken from my thoughts as I heard loud thumps coming from the floor above me. The penthouse suite. Last night someone, more like a group of people, had taken it over. And let me tell you, they were noisy up there walking around. I swear sometimes they were running, caring less that anyone may be in the room below them. A sigh escapes my mouth. The more I thought about what I was about to do, the more anxious and nervous I got.

I laid and stared at the ceiling for hours, until I noticed the clock said it was 1:45 in the morning. I checked my phone, for that small chance I had missed a call, a text, or an email from one of my job applications. Nothing. This is it. I grabbed a piece of paper from the notepad on the desk. I gripped the pen so hard my fingers turned white. I was going to leave a note, so when they found me they'd atleast know who I was and could put "Allison Rose Turner" to rest. Not that anyone would care. I stared at the blank paper trying to find some last words to jot down, but I couldn't think. I quickly exited my room and made my way to the roof top, with the pen and paper tucked in my pocket.

I opened the door to the roof slowly, my heart racing, my breath getting shorter. That's when I heard it. Crying. Someone was up there crying. I looked around quietly until I saw a figure sitting on the edge. Someone is about to beat me to it.

Harry's POV

"Hello?" I heard someone ask, barely audible. My head took a sharp turn back to see who the hell was up there. It was dark, but I could see a small framed figure standing near the door. The cool wind blew and I could see long hair blowing from behind her.

"Don't come any closer!" I cried. She didn't budge, not even an inch. She slowly put her hands up and softly talked to me.

"I'm not coming closer, I promise. But what are you doing up here?"

"What the hell does it look like I'm doing?" I snap at her. Surely she's not that stupid. I'm sitting on the ledge of a building, in the middle of the night, alone. It should be obvious.

"Look, whatever it is that brought you up here, it can't be that bad. Nothing can be that bad. Let's just talk, maybe we could figure it out together." I could hear the nervousness in her soft voice, but she's trying to be calm and talk me back. I just sit there staring at her, not sure what to do. I didn't want anyone to be up here when I did this. I can't do it now, not with her watching me. I sit silent and wait for her to give up and go back inside so I can get this over with. The loud screaming from ground level starts again and I look down. The large crowd of teenage girls is still crowding the front of the hotel doors. I cringe. I'm tired.

Allison's POV

I heard the screeching from what had to have been a hundred young girls down below. What's going on? I look over at the boy on the ledge and notice him look down and shake his head.

"Hey, what's your name?" I'm trying to be calm so he doesn't do anything crazy. I see him slowly turn his head back towards me. I can't see much, but I can tell he has a beanie on, curls poking out from the sides. He looks to be about my age. We lock eyes and with the bright moonlight I can see his eyes are emerald green, even from this distance.

He scoffs and replies "Like you don't know." What? How would I know who he was? "Look, whoever sent you up here, you can just go back and tell them I said to fuck off. I'm not coming back inside." What is he talking about?

"No one sent me out here. Please, just move back from the edge. Please?"

He pulls his beanie off, hands aggressively running through his untamed curls. "I'm so TIRED of people constantly telling me what to do!" The lets out a loud groan, tears flowing down his cheeks.

"I'm not telling you, I'm asking you. Please, please just atleast put your legs back on this side. Please..." I'm desperate. I feel my tears starting to drip down my cold cheeks. He notices the desperation in my voice, and slowly puts a leg at a time back on this side of the ledge. Looking at his hands holding his beanie, tugging at the material. He slowly looks up at me.

"My name is Harry."

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