Chapter 58

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Harry's POV

I successfully made it through the whole movie before falling asleep. After the amazing sex we had, I slept like a damn baby. My alarm goes off way too early, I rub my eyes as I stay laying in bed, arguing with myself internally to just get my ass up and get moving. I let out a sleepy yawn as finally get up and head to the bathroom. I flip the light on and splash cold water on my face to wake me up. Fuck it's cold. I reach for the hand towel and pat my face dry, then grab my toothbrush and start that process. I still haven't mastered brushing my teeth the way Allie does, no matter how hard I try I get toothpaste all over my mouth. I spit and rinse then go to the closet to get dressed. I always have to wear joggers and a t-shirt, I never know going into rehearsals if we'll be working out or skip it like yesterday. I'm ready to leave for the tour already, mainly so I can spend more time with Allie. But also because I'm pumped to get back to the U.S. and perform, the thrill we get is nothing you can explain. And I can't wait to see Allie's face during the first concert.

I head back to our room to grab my phone and keys and get ready to head out. Allie is shifting around in the bed, she's awake but her eyes remain shut. I lean down and kiss her forehead, which wrinkles as she tries to pry her eyes open. "Baby I have to leave in a few minutes." I whisper to her as I sit on the bed next to her and put my shoes on.

"Do you have to?" She whines at me.

"Unfortunately. But only today and tomorrow of this and we'll have the weekend to ourselves and get ready to go on tour. I'm so glad you'll be with me for this." I tie the laces on my shoes and smile thinking of how glad I am she's with me. "What are you doing today? Besides meeting up with Barbara?"

Her voice is tired and raspy, she has a sexy morning voice. "I don't think really anything. I'll just be here hanging out. I've been practicing my guitar a lot, so I'll do that for sure. George is scheduled to pick me up around 1:30. And remember this time if you get out early, I'll be at the park with Barbara until 5, then be home." Even in her sleepy state she still has to bust my balls about that. She kind of chuckles and rolls over closer towars me, hugging around my waist. "Sorry, I had to."

"Yeah yeah. No more freaking out on my end, I promise." I shake my head at her and stand up, looking at my watch. "Fuck, I have to get going so I'm not late. God knows they'll never let that me live that down." I lean down and quickly kiss her lips again.

"Have a good day baby, I'll talk to you later I'm sure. I love you." She rolls back over in bed, I have to force myself to keep walking and go, and not jump back in bed with her.

"I will, I love you too. Tell Barbara I said hello." I grab my bag as I head towards the foyer. Two more days of this. Two more days. I can do this.

Allison's POV

I finally get my lazy butt out of bed. I slept really great last night, and waking up was tough today, more so than usual. I grab a cup of tea and sit out on the balcony enjoying the sounds of London from down below. I sure love it here. I'm trying to decide what I'm going to do until I need to leave for our walk this afternoon. I had fallen asleep after Harry left, it's 10:30 already. I decide to grab my guitar and bring it out on the balcony and play for a little bit. I've been working on a new song, one that I'm going to surprise Harry with when I finally get it down. I'm sure everyone has seen Twilight? I know, I know. Hear me out. The song I'm learning is done by piano, but I'm bound and determined to make it work on the guitar. I feel like the song is "our" song. Not because we listen to it together, or because it played on repeat while we were apart and I thought of him every time it came on the radio. But because the words mean a lot to me, and the words remind me of us. But I've been practicing it and I'm getting there. I strum the guitar just messing around for a little bit before I work on the song. I never thought bid actually be paying a guitar. I can't wait to show Niall how far I've come, and I'm hoping he will help me work on this new song for Harry.

I stop for lunch, George will be picking me up in about half an hour and I still need to get myself ready. I eat my lunch, leftovers from last night's dinner. I throw on a sweater and some jeans, slipping on my Toms before grabbing 3 coins from my change holder on the dresser. We'll pass the fountain again and I bring the extra one incase Robert is there and wants to wish. I shove the coins in my pocket before looking at myself in the mirror. What should I do with this untamed hair of mine? Messy bun, quick and simple. I search for my phone and cram it in my back pocket when I find it, checking the time once again. 1:24. Perfect timing. I head towards the elevator and wait as it slowly makes it's way down.

(Outgoing Text 1:25pm to Harry <3) Hope rehearsals are going ok. I miss you and love you! Headed to the park.

I send it and meet George outside the lobby doors.

"Hello George, how are you today?" I smile warmly at him, we've become good friends with all this driving me around he's done the last week or so.

"Just great, thank you. And how might Miss Allie be today?" He motions towards the back door and opens it as I sit down, and waits for me to answer.

"Fantastic. Missing Harry, of course."

"Understandable." The door shuts as me makes his way around to the drivers seat. "Same place?" I nod and check my phone as I heard a notification.

(Incoming Text 1:32pm from Harry <3) Rehearsals suck. I miss you! actually they're ok I guess, just would rather be hanging out with you. Have fun at the park. Love you!

I smile and out my phone in my pocket. I stare out the window watching the world go pass me. The same old man sits outside this particular deli everyday when we drive to the park. The same older woman walks her pug dog down the street. I recognize a couple of really young children at a playground we pass. Everyone has their routine I guess, and seem to be creatures of habit. Then again, look at me. Driving in the same back seat, taking the same route every afternoon just before 2:00, going to the same park to walk with the same lady. I'm right there with those other creatures of habit. But I don't mind.

"Here you are. I guess your friend is running a bit late, I don't see her."

"We are a couple minutes early, I'll hang out and wait. See you around 5?" I shut the door as he leans his head out the window.

"Yes ma'am, I'll be here. Have fun." I do a little wave as he pulls off. I walk to the bench Barbara usually meets me at and take a seat. I sit and observe my surroundings, glancing every once in a while in the direction she usually parks at. I check my phone, it's only 2:12...she's not that late. Then again, she's usually here before me and I'm usually here a bit before 2:00. I start to worry about her, wishing I had her phone number so I could call her. I wonder if she has a cell phone. I've never seen her use it. I make a mental note to ask her when she gets here. 2:30 comes and still no sign of her. I sit and pout, pulling out my phone and texting Harry.

(Outgoing Text 2:33pm to Harry <3) Barbara isn't here yet. :( I may end up leaving early. I don't know what to do, no way to call her.

I send it, not really expecting an answer since they're in the middle of reahearsals. I finally decide to walk to the their bench, her and Robert's. Maybe he's with her today and they wanted to spend alone time in the park without me? Their bench is empty. So I keep walking. Now that I'm walking by myself I make my way through the park rather quickly. I know on the next turn past these trees is our bench. The one Barbara and I stop at each time that's facing the fountain we wished on the first time. I pick up speed a little and as I turn the corner the familiar snow white hair catches my eye. She's sitting at our bench all by herself and stares at the fountain.

"Barbara!" I holler and start to wave, but stop as she doesn't turn towards me. She didn't hear me I guess. So I yell louder as I continue to walk closer. "Barbara! Hey! You should've told me you wanted to meet here, I was waiting for y..." I stop in my tracks when I'm close enough for her to hear me and she still doesn't look at me. She sits in the bench staring hard at the fountain, her hands clutching her purse that sits on her lap. It hits me like a ton of bricks. I know exactly what's going on.

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