Chapter 25

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Allison's POV

We push our way through the crowd of girls blocking the entrance to the radio station. The radio DJs welcome us and lead us to the studio. Chairs are set up, microphones all over. I've never been to one of these things before. They tell us to take our seats, I sit off to the side not wanting to be in the way.

DJ: "Allie, we figured you could sit next to Harry. Don't be shy. Here, put these on."

I shyly smile as I put on the headphones. I can hear everyone so clearly. Harry grabs my hand and squeezes it to reassure my nerves. He mouths to me "you'll do fine" with a wink. I nod as the DJ cues that we're on the air.

DJ: "Welcome back to 106.7FM. We are here with One Direction! How's it going guys?

They all say how it's going well, they're all great.

DJ: "So this is the end of your radio tour right? What are your plans after this?"

Liam: "We are all going home to see our families. It's been a while and we miss them dearly."

Harry: "Well, Allie and I will head back to New York for a few days to hang out before we head home to Holmes Chapel."

DJ: "Ahh yes, Allie. You've been on tour with the boys since they left New York. How's it been being on the bus with One Direction?"

Me: "It's been a lot of fun actually. I've enjoyed seeing more of the U.S."

DJ: "So I have to ask, I mean everyone wants to know, what's it like dating Harry Styles? Is his hair perfectly curly like it is now when he wakes up?"

(Everyone laughs)

Me: "Well, his hair is always perfect, yes. And what it's like dating Harry's perfect."

I look at Harry and he's staring at me smiling.

DJ: "Aww, if you guys at home could just see how cute these two are, it'd make you sick. But seriously Allie, I'm glad you agreed to join the guys today. Everyone has been waiting to meet you. They see you online with Harry all the time, but no one has ever really got to meet you. So thank you. You're just lovely."

I nod and smile, slightly embarrassed. They continue the interview, I chime in once in a while. But overall, I've really enjoyed getting to experience what these boys have done through this whole interview tour. They took lots of calls from excited fans. They signed autographs and took pictures. It was time to go. We wave our final goodbye to the girls outside, extra security guards hold them back behind the rails so we can get by.

Harry grabs my hand and laces our fingers together. We are headed towards the SUV, laughing and talking about how the interview went. Harry tells me how proud he is of me and how well I did for my first interview. I got a little taste of what it's like to be famous. And I loved the feeling it gave me.

I look at Harry, who's grinning back at me. "I was so nervous though. You think it went o..."


I'm cut off by a familiar voice, barely audible. I look up at the woman standing a few feet from the black SUV. I stop dead in my tracks, my hand still laced with Harry's. He hadn't heard the woman say my name so he was still walking looking down, until his hand pulled on mine. He noticed I'm not moving, he turns and looks at our hands and then he looks at me confused. She says it again.

"Allison Turner?"

He follows my eyes and sees the woman, then looks back to me.


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