Chapter 39

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Harry's POV

By the time we get home, Simon still hasn't called. I was kind of surprised, but when I saw the time was 1:30am, I knew why. He hadn't seen the pictures yet. This is one phone conversation I'm dreading more than anything. We enter the house quietly, making sure we don't wake my mum. But it's too late, she's up and sitting on the vouch with a cup of tea in her hand, Waldorf in her lap sleeping. She's got that worried look on her face, and instantly I know she's seen the pictures.

"Harry! What in the hell happened?! Allie? Where's Allie?" Allie enters the living room after a couple of the boys.

"I'm here Anne." My mum rushes to both of us, giving me a stern look like I'm in trouble, then looks to Allie worriedly. "It's ok Anne, it's not what it looked like. Whoever took those pictures and posted it is just starting rumors." Allie hangs her head, still feeling like its her fault.

"Well, will someone please fill me in before I lose it?! I've been sitting here wracking my brain trying to figure out why all this would happen!" Liam grabs my mom's hand and leads her back to sit down.

"It's really not what it looked like Anne, that guy was being a jerk..." Liam is being typical Liam, almost sugar coating the truth to make it seem not as bad.

"That asshole was trying to rape Allie! That's what happened mum. He was going to rape her had we not gotten to her when we did. And look what that dick did to her! Show her! Show her your arm Allie. He fucking hurt her!" I had stayed so calm this whole time, but I can't hold back anymore. I tell my mum what happened, exactly what happened. Allie rubs her upper arm softly, tears building up in her beautiful hazel eyes that are dull. Sad looking. My mum gasps.

"He did that to you sweetie?" She gently holds Allie's arm up more in the light. My mom looks angry. She's protective of Allie just like the rest of us.

"He pulled me into the ally because I wouldn't dance with him. He told me he always gets what he wants. Then Harry came, and the others, and they got him off of me. I was scared Anne. He forced a kiss on me, he made me bang my head on the wall, and he bruised me. Harry and them only did what they had to do he would get off me. And whoever took those pictures doesn't know the story. God, everyone must think I'm horrible...." Again, she's worried more about what people online will think of her and those fucked up pictures, than she is about the fact that she nearly got raped and has that asshole's mark on her arm.

"Well, I'm just thankful you're ok. All of you." She glances at us boys and notices our blood stained hands. "Come on, we need to get you all cleaned up." We follow her to the kitchen and she pulls out her first aide kit. She washes our hands off one at a time, I'm the only one with cuts. The others hands are just swollen, but the blood was that asshole's blood. We all stay quiet for the most part. Allie finally speaks up.

"Harry, guys....I'm still really sorry...I don't want you to get in trouble..."

"I told you baby, stop apologizing, it's not your fault. I'm the one who acted the way I did, I could've reacted differently but I didn't. And I'm glad I didn't, he deserved it all."

"What about your fans?" She worries too much.

"what about them? I put the truth out there, they can believe it or not. But we all know what really happened and that's all I care about. All I care about is you. I love you."

Allison's POV

We all get cleaned up, I lay in bed with an ice pack on my arm. It feels like its on fire almost. Harry is in the shower and I'm staring at the pictures on my phone. I can see why people would think I was cheating. The asshole is leaned into my ear, my eyes closed and my hands pressed to his chest as if I was caressing him. In reality, my eyes were closed in disgust, my hands trying to push him away. I throw my phone and it lands across the room. I jenrally thank myself for getting a break proof case. Liam was walking by as he heard the phone hit, and perks his head in.

"You ok Allie?" He has concern written all over his face.

I nod as he comes I'm, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Look, if it's about Harry, that's nothing like what he used to be. I know he told you he wouldn't go back to that...but tonight was different. He was doing it to protect you. Back then he wouldn't have stopped, he controlled it this time because of you. And I know you think controlling it would have been just walking away, but that guy needed what he got. The things Zayn told me he said were just horrible. And don't worry about what Simon and them will say. We'll figure it out. There's more of us than them, so it'll be fine. You need to get rest though, you've been through a lot." I laugh at Liam's own word vomit. He's right though. Harry only punched him once. In the past he would've kept going, not giving the others a chance to get a punch in. And from what I know, the others have never been in any kind of altercation like that before. I don't know what the asshole said about me, and truthfully, I don't want to know. For them to all do that to stand up for me actually means a lot. The others have trickled in one by one hearing us talk, a crowded around the bed.

"I know it's not like the old times Liam. He promised me and I trust him. So I know this is different. And I'll be fine, really. Bruises always go away eventually. But thank you, all of you, it means a lot to me that I have you all to stick up for me. As weird as this sounds, thanks for beating the shit out of that guy." I'm trying to lighten the mood and it's working, they're all laughing. Harry heard it and comes in, sits next to me.

"Whats so funny?"

"Oh nothing, Allie just told us thanks for kicking his ass." Louis pats Harry on the shoulder.

"Anytime, but hopefully we won't have to do it again." Harry chuckles lightly. I've missed that chuckle of his. "Guys, we best get to sleep. I'm sure we'll be getting phone calls bright and early." They nod and head out of the room. Some are sleeping on the couch, while the others share Gemma's old bed.

"God Allie, I want to say happy birthday but I feel like that's kind of messed up to say..." I look at him, his beautiful. Wet curls flop in his face, he smells amazing, and all I want to do is hug and cuddle with him.

"I know, but it was still my best birthday ever. That sounds a little weird huh? But before all that happened, it was truly amazing. I have a puppy, one exactly like the one I had growing up. And the fact that you payed do much attention to the type of dog and color means so much. And then I got my own guitar, which I've wanted for as long as I could remember. And then I got surprised by my best friends. It's incredible, despite the crap ending." I pause and think it over. "Actually that wasn't the ending. The ending wasn't him, the ending was my love and my best friends standing up to protect me. And I've never had that in my life. That is actually better than any physical gift Harry. So yeah.....this was my best birthday ever. And I love you very much. Thank you for saving me. Again."

He's staring at me, hardly blinking, a grin on his face. He gets up from the bed quickly and shuts the door, locking it. He hops back on the bed and leans in and kisses me hard. My hands go to the back of his neck, playing with his curls. I think he's going to take it further but slows down the rushing of his hands.

"Why are you stopping?" I feel confused, he's never stopped us, except the first time when he said he wanted to take things slow. "Don't you want to? I can be quiet..." I bite my cheek, feeling a little weird about the situation.

He shrugs and bites his lip. For the first time ever I use my fingers to tilt his chin up so he will look at me. "I do want to. A lot. I just....I just don't want to make sure you want to..."

I look at him and shake my head, letting out a quiet laugh. "Like you have to ask..." And with that, I press him down to the bed and crawl ontop of him, kissing him deep. Best. Birthday. Ever.

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