Chapter 29

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Allison's POV

My mom is staring me in the face. She waits for Harry to go back inside before she grabs my arms and yanks me down the hall. I'm yelling at her, trying to pull back but in her rage and all the drugs in her system, she's much stronger than me. "HARRY!!! HARRY HELP ME!!" I'm screaming for Harry, but he's not coming. He can't hear me. "LET GO OF ME!" I'm screaming at her, her face remains emotionless for the most part. Until she gets tired of me fighting against her and she gets angry. She continues to pull me down the hall, I'm fighting back as hard as I can. I don't want to go with her. I don't even know where she's trying to take me. She pulls her phone out of her pocket, dials a number before screaming into it. "You're going to have to come and help me. This little bitch is putting up a huge fight. I can't get her myself..." She's calling for backup. I continue to scream for Harry, for anyone to hear me and help me. Down the hall I see a tall built figure running towards us. As he gets closer I recognize him. It's my dad. What the hell is going on here? I start kicking and thrashing my body around, anything to make this more difficult in hopes they'll give up and let me go.

"Allison, STOP kicking. You should've just given her the money when she asked for it. It would have made this a lot easier. Now look what you're making us do..." He's out of breath from trying to control my body and drag me out of the hotel. He punches me in my face to try and get me to stop screaming. Maybe he was trying to knock me out so I wouldn't be able to fight back. Are they kidnapping me? This is like some sort of scary movie. They're taking me for ransom. Hot tears stream down my face, my voice is going hoarse from screaming. Why hasn't Harry come to save me yet? How can he not hear the screaming? We're nearing the end of the hallway, so very far from the door to our room that there's no way he'll hear me now. I let out one more loud scream for him, praying he'll come running for me. "HAAARRRYYYY!!!!"

The scream of his name made my body shoot up. My heart is racing, my hair is matted down with sweat. I can't breathe. My hands go to my chest as I'm trying to get it together. Harry runs into the room and places his hands on my shoulders as he's trying to get me to make eye contact. It was all a dream. A nightmare.

"Allie, Allie baby what is it?" His voice is filled with panic and worry. I stare at the wall infront of us, not able to get a word out. He must have heard me scream his name in my sleep.

"It-it was a nightmare. About her. Fuck." I can't get a full complete sentence out. My heart is pounding in my ears, I almost can't see straight. He pulls me into a tight hug and rubs my back with his hands. I'm shaking and can't stop. My cheeks are slightly sticky with dried tears that spilled out in my sleep. I glance at the clock, it's 2:30 in the morning.

"Sh-she came back for me. And my dad. They were taking me from here since I didn't give her any m-money. They said I was making them do that. They were taking me away from you...." My hand finds my cheek, rubbing it softly so as not to hurt it, even though the punch was only in my dream. "He hit me. God it was so real. I was screaming for you but you couldn't hear me...."

He hugs me tight. "No one will ever take you from my baby. I'd never let them. Ever. I'd kill someone if they even tried. She won't be back to bother you again and I'll make sure of it. Plus, we'll leave and go back to New York tonight and then to my hometown. So she won't be able to find you." I feel his body tense, but he's trying to assure me it's ok. He lays down next to me.

"How long have I been asleep for?" I feel disoriented almost. The last thing I remember before waking up from that horrible nightmare was Harry holding me after I got off the phone with Tammy.

Harry's POV

I look at Allie, her face stained with mascara that had run down her face from hours ago. "About 3 hours. You cried for a good while before you finally fell asleep. I went out in the living area to watch some TV so I didn't wake you up. You were exhausted from crying and need your sleep. God I hate seeing you like this Allie. I just want to be able to make it ok. Make you feel better..." My body tenses up. I can't stand that someone has made her feel like this, let alone her own mother. And thinking about someone taking her from me like that makes me see red. I will do everything in my power to make sure that never happens.

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