Chapter 33

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Harry's POV

We wake up late. Well, later than we had originally planned to, I guess we both didn't hear the alarm go off. I'm woken up by the sound of Tammy on the phone, sounds like a business call. Allie's arm is draped across my stomach. I roll over facing her and kiss her forehead trying to softly wake her up. If I've learned anything from basically living with Allie these couple of months, it's that she hates to be woken up abruptly. So I always try and wake her up like she does me, soft and sweet.

"Allie, baby we slept through the alarm. It's 8:30, we need to get up if we're going to leave here by 10." She grumbles and rolls away, fighting me on getting up. "I know you're tired but we need to get going...c'mon sleepy girl." She rolls back towards me, eyes still shut but a smile on her face. I kiss her cheek and climb out of bed, grabbing some clothes before going to get in the shower.

"Ok ok, I'm up. I'm tired, but I'm up." She looks so cute when she's all tired. I wait and make sure she's actually getting out of bed before I go take my shower, I don't want her to fall back asleep. She's going to have hard enough time saying goodbye to Tammy, the more time she wastes sleeping the more upset she'll be with herself for not getting up. Tammy ended up getting a call late last night saying she had an emergency meeting or something, so she's unable to take us to the airport.

The shower is just what I needed to wake me up. I let the hot water run on my face, my wet curls hanging in my eyes. I can't wait to go home. I've missed my mum tons and I'm just so excited for her to meet my Allie. I know she's going to love her as much as everyone else who meets her. I find myself thinking about it and smiling to myself through the whole shower. I shut the water off, grabbing the towel from the hook and dry myself off, using the towel to ruffle my hair towel dry. I quickly dress in the bathroom and make my way out. Allie's already dressed and talking with Tammy.

"Well sweetie, it's been so great having you guys here and catching up. I'm sure going to miss you..." Tammy pulls Allie into a tight hug again. "Oh, sorry, I'm sure you can't breathe..." Tammy jokes as she let's loose of her. "Did you pack the scrapbook? Do you have everything ready to go? I guess if you forget anything I can always ship it to you..." Tammy looks around her apartment for anything sitting out.

"Yeah I have everything. Thanks again for everything." I place my arms around Allie's shoulders, draping my arms infront of her and kiss the back of her head. She turns and kisses my cheek in return.

"Yeah thanks Tammy for having us. Thanks for everything." I smile and wink at her.

Allison's POV

"Yeah and tell Carl it was really nice to meet him. Hopefully next visit we'll get to spend more time with him. Make sure he treats you right ok?" I mean it, I hope he treats her well and makes her happy. "Should we start heading to the airport? I know it's a little bit earlier than what we planned but I don't want to drag out the goodbye, ya know?" We do a walk through the apartment, double checking and making sure we aren't forgetting anything behind. We head outside and hail a cab, which surprisingly didn't take too long. Normally getting a cab out here takes about 10 minutes usually. We load up the taxi with our bags. Harry is standing by the taxi, hands crammed in his pockets, looking a little nervous or something. I know he hates seeing me cry and be sad, so this whole goodbye with Tammy I'm sure he's not excited about.

I look at my feet, not wanting to look at Tammy. "I hate this....I hate saying goodbye dammit." I let out a breathy laugh, trying to focus on something else. I bite my cheek and Tammy hugs me again, very tight, but this time I welcome the tight hug and don't joke about not being able to breathe. I hug her back just as tight. "I love you and I'm going to miss you a lot. I'll call you as soon as we land. I'm not sure what time it's going to be, so maybe I'll text it instead." I feel Tammy's body tremble, she's crying but trying to hold it back. She just nods, no words. I pull back and she won't look me in the eyes, just like me, she's afraid she'll cry and won't be able to stop. She turns to Harry and hugs him tightly as well. "Take care of her ok?"

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