Chapter 4

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Tammy left to run down the block to get us some coffee from Starbucks.  I couldn't tell you how long it's been since I had Starbucks.  She told me to make myself at home in the office and just familiarize myself with where everything was, and to file some paperwork.  I glanced around at my new work space and smiled.  I notice a radio on the bookshelf to the left of my desk and turned it on.  I scan through stations until a familiar voice stops me.  Harry.  I turn it up to hear what they're saying.

DJ: "So how are you boys enjoying New York?  You performed at MSG last night right?  How was it?"

Louis: "New York is great, as always.  Last night's concert was amazing.  Great crowd.  We had a blast!"

DJ: "Your fans are quite amazing.  I saw some of them camped out by your hotel last night holding up signs and screaming for you.  One sign read "Marry Me!"  So, would any of you ever date a fan?"

Niall: "I would.  For sure.  If she was a good person and we got along, who cares if she's a fan.  That's bonus really.  I'm sure Harry would.  Infact he met a girl last night that he can't shut up about."

(All the guys start hollering and laughing)

DJ: "Ahh, so tell us about her Harry.  Did you get the digits or what man?"

Harry: "Actually no.  We spent the evening together.  Just talking.  She was really sweet.  And unfortunately I didn't get her information.  Infact, she lives here in the city.  Allie, if you're listening, call the station!"

I dropped the stack of papers I was holding in my hand.  Did he really just give me a shout out on the radio?  I bend down to pick up the papers, contemplating on whether or not I should pick up the phone.  Of course not Allie, don't be stupid.  Nothing good can come of this.  He's leaving either today or tomorrow to continue the tour.  Seeing him again will only make it harder to forget him.  After a few minutes I hear the DJ saying they have 'Allie' on the line and to put her through.  This should be interesting.

Girl: "OH MY GOD!!  Harry!!  I'm Allie!!  It's meeee!"

I could tell straight away that he wouldn't fall for it.  The fact that she was screaming and squealing on the line would be enough proof that she wasn't me.  Harry laughs and replies to the young girl.

Harry: "Well, you may be Allie, but you're not the Allie I'm looking for, love.  I'd know her voice anywhe..."

I shut the radio off.  I can't listen any more.  The sooner I forget about him, the sooner I can move on with the task at hand.  Doing my job, and doing it great.  Saving some money, moving into my own apartment, and making a life for myself.  Besides, Harry could have any girl he wanted.  What would he want with me?  I'm a nobody.  The fact that he knew my background should've sent him running the second he heard it. 

Tammy comes back, holding two coffees in her hand.  The aroma filled my senses and I just about drooled.  She saw me bent down picking up the papers that I dropped and fanned all over the floor.  She crinkles her forehead, tilting her head to the side.  "Having some trouble are we?"  I let out a nervous laugh and shrug it off, quickly cleaning the mess.  She reaches for the radio, I throw my hands up towards her and I yell at her "NO!!"  She backs her hand away and looks at me like I'm crazy.  I can't have her turn the radio back on.  I can't hear his voice again.  "Ok, spill it."  She says to me with authority.  I look down, not wanting to talk about it. 

"You're going to think I'm nuts.  I guess after all I've already told you, it can't get any worse right?  Ok so last night I went to the rooftop of the hotel I was staying at to get some fresh air..." I leave out the part where I was planning on jumping.  She didn't need to know about that.  "And there was a boy up there on the ledge, crying.  I ended up talking him away from the ledge and talked with him a few hours.  He's very sweet and has a lot of pressure on him.  But, we ended up parting ways and ever since then I can't get him out of my head.  His face is engraved into my mind.  Ahh, and his British accent.  It was so sexy!"  Word vomit.  the words just spewed out, almost in one full sentence spoken so fast I'm surprised she understood any of what I just said.  I blush and catch myself smiling like an idiot.  I look at Tammy who is also smiling bright and she kneels down next to me on the floor. 

"So, what are you waiting for?  Call him and ask him out on a date.  Don't go all 'old fashion' on me and tell me you have to wait for him to call you..."  She raises her eyebrows.  I let out a deep breath.  "Well, here's the thing.  See....have you ever heard of One Direction?"  She nods.  "I've heard the name before, but know nothing about them.  I guess I don't get out much.  But anyway, was Harry Styles.  Please don't tell anyone about him being up on the ledge!  Please Tammy.  It'll ruin his image if you say a word to anyone about it.  Word will travel fast.  I can't let that happen to him.  No one needs to know about last night."   I'm begging her, my eyes look into hers and plead with her not to say anything.   "And besides, I can't call him.  We didn't exchange information.  All he knows is my first name.   He left to finish his tour.  He just needs to forget about me and I'll forget about him.  That's why you can't turn on the radio.  They were doing an interview with One Direction and just hearing his voice brings it all back.  Then he did a 'shoutout' to me asking me to call the radio.  That's when I dropped the papers all over.  Sorry about that..."

Tammy stares at me, taking it all in.  I think I've left her speechless.  "I won't tell a soul Allie, I promise.  But Harry Styles is such a cutie.  If I was you, I'd be on that phone in a heartbeat.  But I understand where you're coming from too.  What, you'd go to dinner with him and then he'd leave to another state or another country?  So it's almost like...what's the point right?" I shrug and give a bummed out smile.  "Yeah, I understand.  I won't mention his name around you again.  C'mon, let's drink our coffee and finish up this paperwork so we can get out of here." 

I smile, sipping my coffee.  I really like Tammy.  I can tell we are going to be great friends and this job will be great.  I can see the light at the end of this dark tunnel already. 

Harry's POV

I can't believe Niall called me out like that on the radio.  Talk about putting a guy on the spot.  But, deep inside I was glad.  I was able to get it out there and pray Allie would hear and call.  The rest of the interview goes on and I find myself not listening to a word anyone is saying.  I can hear faint chuckling and laughing, and I get the occasional elbow in my side.  But really, I have no idea what's so funny.  I have no idea what they're talking about.  All I can think about is Allie.  Why can't I get this girl out of my head?  Not only did she save me.  God did she save me.  I will forever be in debt to her for that.  But besides that, she liked me for me.  Not because I'm in a band.  Not because I'm famous or rich.  But because of me.  She listened to me talk about my family.  No other girl has ever had an interest in anything other than hooking up with me, or trying to be with me to get their fifteen minutes of fame.  She wasn't like that.  She sat with me and asked about my life.  I wish I could go back and make this right and not just let her leave with a stupid note simply saying 'Thank You'.  I couldn't bring myself to throw it away either, I tucked it in my pocket and then in my bunk.  And why was she thanking me?  I should be the one thanking her.  I didn't do anything for her.  Why would she just leave?  I really felt something there.  Fuck.  And when she touched me, just the simplest brush of her arm sent shocks through me.  I get goosebumps even now just thinking about it.  I find myself staring out the window of the radio station, hoping by some miracle I see her walk by.  Suddenly a loud laugh and an elbow pokes me in the side, and I'm pulled from my thoughts.  All the boys are laughing so hard tears are in their eyes, all looking at me wondering why I'm just sitting there.   Liam tries to catch his breath and says to me "Wasn't that hilarious Harry?!"  I just nod and smile, and let out a fake laugh.  I have no idea what he's talking about, but I fake it and go along with it. 

The interview is over and it's time to get on the bus and head out for the night.  We drive on the tour bus at night so there's less traffic.  I head to my bunk and pull the curtain back, I don't want to talk to anyone, I just want to be left alone with my thoughts.  I replay last night.  Me sitting on the ledge about to do it.  I swear it was 15 seconds before and that's when I heard her.  I hate this.  I pop in a movie into my personal DVD player to try and get my mind right.  Halfway through I drift off to sleep, dreaming of my Angel.

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