Chapter 18

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Harry's POV

The window from my room overlooks the back of the hotel. I stand, staring out the window waiting for Allie to arrive before me and one of the guards go downstairs to help her get her stuff on the bus. I had ended up text her telling me when she was there and she said she would. Even then, I'm still scared and nervous she won't show up. I mean, deep down I know she will come, but there's a little shred of me that is uncertain and it scares the hell out of me. It makes my stomach turn just thinking about not being with her. It literally makes me sick to my stomach.

Finally I see the car pull up, Tammy getting out of the driver's side and opens the trunk and pulls out two suit cases. I finally see Allie step out of her side and helps get the rest of her stuff. They stand and talk for a few minutes, before embracing in a tight hug. I know she's going to have a hard time leaving Tammy, but I know I'll make it worth it. I'm going to do everything for Allie, and I'm going to be everything for her. I realized this afternoon just how much I love this girl. I can't wrap my head around how I went this long without her. She's my reason to get up in the morning. She's my reason to be a better person. She's my reason for breathing, for smiling. She's my reason for being.

My phone snaps me out of my daydream and I see her text saying she's here. Me and one of our security guards head down towards the back of the hotel, I pull my hood up just for extra protection from anyone noticing me. She seems me and her eyes light up. "Hey you." Her eyes are a little red and puffy, I know she's been crying.

"Hey beautiful." I pull her to me and hug her.

I acknowledge Tammy and approach her. "Thank you for helping Allie this afternoon while I did the last interview here. I appreciate you helping her pack. And thank you for taking care of her this past year. It means a lot to me knowing she had someone, she had you. I promise I'll take good care of her." She smiles at me and pulls me into a hug, which I gladly accept and squeeze her back.

"You're a good guy Harry. I'm glad she has you in her life as well. I know she's in good hands with you, and that you and the other boys will take care of her just fine. But you better bring her back sometime soon and see me!" We both laugh and I promise we'll be back after the tour to visit. Allie loudly clears her throat making us both pull apart from the hug and look at her.

"Umm, you guys, I'm right here you know? You don't have to talk about me like I'm not here." She laughs her most perfect laugh and gives us a silly look.

"Ok ok, so I'm not good with goodbyes. So let's get this over with." Tammy's eyes tear up and she waves her hands in front of her face, walking towards Allie. "I love you sweetie. Be careful and be good! And call me in a couple of days ok?"

"I love you too. Thank you again and I'll be good. I'll call you when we make it to Chicago." With that, they hold the hug longer, both of them crying. I stand by awkwardly not sure what to do. Tammy quickly lets go, and walks to her door without looking back, knowing it'll just make it harder to leave. She drives away and Allie looks at me, trying to stop crying. I tilt her chin up and look in her eyes. I wipe the tears from her flushed cheeks.

"I love you. I know this is hard for you, but I promise it'll get easier. We went through this when we left our families too, so I know how you feel. I promise it'll get easier." She wearily nods and takes a few deep breaths. "Let's get your stuff on the bus so we can go to the hotel room and relax a little ok?" We grab her stuff and start loading up the bus, the other guys have made their way down to put some of their stuff away as well.

"Heyyy, Allie!! Good to see you again. You ready?!" Louis makes things a little more cheery and Allie smiles brightly at him.

 "Ready as I'll ever be!" She looks up at the bus, smiling and lets out a deep breath. "Home sweet home, right?"

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