Chapter 13

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Harry's POV

It's already been 2 hours since she dropped me off at the hotel. 2 damn hours that felt like 2 days. I've been sitting here on the bus with the guys playing Playstation, but my mind is stuck on her. I caught myself wondering what she was doing. Was she thinking about me as much I was her? I kept looking at my watch, which made the time go by even slower. I can't help worry about her changing her mind. What will I do then?

"Hey Harry, if you think much harder you might hurt yourself." The guys all look at me and wonder that's going on in my head. "You're worrying about her, aren't you?" Liam knows me too well. I shrug and they try to comfort me.

"I just hope she doesn't change her mind. That's all."

"You know she won't Harry, the way she looks at you, I can see it. She's in loooove!" Louis teases me and they all laugh. I hope she's in love. I hope they're right.

Allison's POV

As I pulled into the hotel parking lot, Harry leans across the seats and kisses my cheek. "I'll see you in a while, right?" I told him after I get done with Tammy, I'm going to go back to my apartment and shower, and that I'll meet him at the hotel around 6 so we can make it to our reservation for dinner at 7. I give him a reassuring smile as he walks away from my car, looking back over his shoulder. It's sweet that he's so worried, but I hope eventually he trusts that I'm not going anywhere.

Lunch with Tammy is nice, but I can't help but check the time every 10 minutes. It hasn't even been that long but I'm already missing him. I feel like a love sick teenager. Tammy notices me checking my phone and gives me a teasing smile. "Missing him already huh?" I nod and blush. "So when do you leave? What's the plan? I'm here to help with whatever you need me to do."

"Gosh, I feel like there's so much to do but I'm not sure where to start. I told my landlord that they can sub-rent my apartment while I'm out. I'll take all my valuables so the only thing there would be my furniture. Do you think that's ok?" She agrees that is the best idea. My landlord and I agree to do this for a year, and if anything happens to me and Harry (God forbid) then I'll be able to move back in. And if everything works like I hope it will, I can always walk away from the apartment and she said I could then take my furniture. So that will take care of that. And Tammy agrees that if I ever need my job back, she'll be more than happy to have me back. We get lost talking about the future, she tells me she knows things will work out great. I hope she's right. I feel my phone vibrate on the table. I look at it and see a text from Harry. It just donned on me that we never exchanged numbers. How did his number end up in my phone? He must have sneaked it in sometime when I wasn't looking.

(Incoming Text 2:23pm from Harry <3) I miss you.... :( H.

I smile when I see the heart shape he put next to his name in my phone's address book. Tammy knows it's from him just by the huge smile plastered on my face. I turn the phone and show her the text, and she let's out a "aww" and she smiles back.

(Outgoing Text 2:25pm to Harry <3) You're cute. And I miss you back. ;) By the way, when did you put your number in my phone? Sneaky.

(Incoming Text 2:27 from Harry <3) I have my ways. ;) I'll let you get back to Tammy, just wanted to say hi. Can't wait for dinner....H.

(Outgoing Text 2:28 to Harry <3) Ditto. :)

"I've never seen you this happy before. I'm glad, you deserve to be happy. I'm sure going to miss you though. You better call and check in with me young lady, or you're going to be in big trouble!" I laugh at how 'motherly' she's acting.

"I will, I promise. God I'm so excited and nervous! I hope the other guys don't mind me being there. I just worry I'm going to be in the way."

"I'm sure they'll enjoy you being there. Anyone who spends any amount of time around you can't help but fall in love with you Allie, you have that addicting personality that everyone wants to be around. It'll be great and you're going to have the time of your life. Think of all the places you'll get to see. It's going to change your life."

I close my eyes and imagine what it's going to be like. And I can't wait.

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