Chapter 64

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Allison's POV

My alarm goes off at 7am. Far too early for my liking. Harry groans as I stick my arm out of the blankets reaching blindly for my phone on the nightstand to stop the horrid alarm sound. I finally peek an eye open and hit the button to make it quit, laying my phone back down and pulling my arm back into the safety of our warm bed. I continue to lay there with my eyes shut, not wanting to fully wake up. And then it hits me, we're leaving shortly to finally go on the much anticipated tour. Harry informed me last night that because this is an actual concert tour and not just a meet and greet, that the whole crew is going, So they've chartered a plane just for us which will be awesome. It's like something out of a movie. We still have to arrive at the airport ahead of time, so we have to get moving to finish packing up our last bit of essentials before we head out.

"Harry, we have to get up..." I say, still half asleep myself. His arm is draped across my stomach, and as soon as I spoke he tightens his grasp on me.

"Nuh uh." Is all he grunts at me, which makes me smile.

"We can sleep on the plane, but we have to get moving so we can make it on time." I lift myself up and place my legs over the side of the bed and I stretch. Sudden flashes of last night pop into my mind and I look back at Harry, his eyes are still shut, but he looks incredibly sexy. All the sudden his lips turn up into a smile, his dimple showing.

"What?" He questions without looking at me.

"What what?" I question back.

"I don't know, I can tell you're staring at me though..." He grins deeper and finally opens his eyes and looks at me.

"Sorry, I was just admiring how sexy you look even when you're sleeping." I lean down and kiss his lips quickly before hopping off the bed and heading to the bathroom. I splash cold water on my face to wake me up a little, then grab my toothbrush and apply the toothpaste as Harry joins me and does the same. We look at each other in the mirror as we brush our teeth, Harry doing a better job of not getting it all over his mouth. We simultaneously spit and wash out our mouths. I grab my small toiletry bag and start putting my things inside and doing a double walk through to make sure we're not forgetting anything. Once I know we have everything sitting by the door, Harry calls the lobby for assistance getting everything downstairs and we wait in the lobby a few minutes before the big van arrives to takes us to the airport. Liam and Zayn are already inside the van and greet us with yawns and smiles, along with a few other guys I recognize from the meet and greet/radio interview tour they did last year.

"You ready for this?" Zayn looks at Harry and then to me. We both nod.

"I'm excited! I can't wait to see the first concert. You know, I've never been to a concert, like, ever. So this will be my first one and I couldn't be more excited!" I'm practically giddy.

"You won't want to go to another concert after you see our show, especially being on the side of the seat in the house." Liam says matter of factly.

I cuddle up next to Harry in the back bench seat of the van as we make our way to the airport. Louis and Niall are going to meet us there, along with the rest of the crew. When we get to the airport, it's a bit of a madhouse. The only thing we grab are our carry on bags and our guitar cases, the rest of the suitcases the airport security takes over and gets them to the charter plane. We have to stop a few times for the guys to do autographs and take pictures, a couple of girls even wanted my autograph and pictures with me, I still don't understand why. But we finally get pushed by the bodyguards and security for the airport to get us going, waving goodbye to the girls huddled around us. We keep a fast pace through the corridor of the airport, luckily our flight is boarding in a more secluded part of the airport since it's a smaller chartered plane, rather than a huge 400 passenger plane. We have a smaller gate area and it's just our group, Niall and Louis are already there with their bags, pillows and Niall's guitar case. They greet us with hugs and they look tired as well.

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