Chapter 56

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Harry's POV

I hate having to leave Allie to go to these damn rehearsals. Especially after having such a great day yesterday. We finally made to to the London Eye, and let me tell you, that was awesome. I've been on it a few times, but being with someone like Allie who's never been before, makes it almost feel like my first time on it. It's like I was experiencing it for the first time myself through her eyes. She's a very enthusiastic person as it is, but yesterday in the little capsule, I couldn't stop smiling at her. She commented about 50 times about how beautiful the view was, the sunset adding to the whole thing. Her hands were pressed against the windows the whole time, her eyes staring out except when she would turn her head to smile at me. We got lucky, there was only one other couple in the capsule with us, so it wasn't crowded. She would look at me, tears of joy in her eyes and tell me in the most perfect way how she loved me. Even now I get goosebumps just thinking about it. It was perfect. We then got dinner, where she went on and on about how perfect the day was, and how she couldn't wait to go walking with Barbara and Robert. Then finished up the night by going home, drinking some wine and making the sweetest love. Hands down, one of my best days ever.

I pull into the parking lot and yawn, I really don't want to be here. Allie was still sleeping when I left, I couldn't wake her. I would give anything to go back home and go back to sleep with her cuddled up to me. I see Liam hop out if his car and waves as he notices me. We're the first ones here so we head into just hang out before the other guys show up.

"How was the rest of your day yesterday? You guys get your tattoos?" He sets his bag down as he takes a sip of his water.

"Yeah, we did. Check it out." I put my wrist out as he looks at it and smiles.

"Nice. Allie happy with hers?"

"Yeah, she loves it. She couldn't stop staring at it, all giddy and shit."

"Hah, sounds like her." Liam chuckles.

"Hey can I talk to you about something before the other guys get here? Just between us for now?" I put my hands in my pocket raising my eyebrows at him hoping he says yes.

"Of course mate, what's going on?" He pulls up two chairs and takes a seat in one.

"We'll I've been thinking about, I mean..." I'm nervous just talking to Liam about it. How the fuck am I going to handle it with Allie when the time comes? Liam stares at me with a weird look on his face waiting for me to continue. "...fuck. Ok. See, I've been thinking about asking Allie to umm, to marry me." I wait for a response, almost expecting laughter or a "don't do it" type thing.

"That's what you're all nervous to talk to me about? Harry, I think it's a great idea."

"You do?" I sigh a breath of relief. He's the one I'm closest to in the group, and out of all the guys he's closest to Allie. I feel like if I have his support I'm good to go with the others. "I mean, you don't think it's too soon or crazy?"

"Not at all. I've called this since the beginning. I knew it would happen sooner or later. Harry, you and Allie are meant to be. No questions about it."

Meant it be. He's right.

"We'll I'm going to wait until after the tour. I just wanted to see what you thought. You think she would say yes, right?"

"Obviously. She would be crazy not to say yes. You two are perfect for each other. Plus, she loves you totally and completely. No doubt in my mind that she would say yes."

I smile and look at my fingers and play with them nervously. I'm pretty sure she would say yes too, just thinking about it gets me giddy inside. "Well I don't want to say anything to anyone else just yet. I can't let this accidentally get back to her. Will you help me think of a great proposal? I need it to be epic."

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