Chapter 30

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Allison's POV

I wake up to the sound of the boys in the living area, they're all rough housing and laughing. Harry is still asleep next to me, looking like an angel. It didn't take me very long to fall back asleep, I was so tired and ready to put that horrible day behind me and never look back. I didn't have anymore nightmares after Harry stayed in bed with me. I don't think I even dreamt at all....if I did I don't remember it. I lay there for a while, staring at the ceiling replaying the day before when my mom showed up. Then my nightmare replayed in my head. To me, nightmares always seem so real when I wake up from them. The good dreams always feel like dreams, but nightmares feel like real life. Even my cheek subconsciously hurts from where my dad hit me in my dream. I think about Harry, and all the things he told me about how he used to be. I really hope and pray I never have to see that side of him, and if what he told me is true, I won't.

I slowly make my way out of the bed and to the bathroom, being as quiet as possible so I don't wake Harry up. It's only 8 in the morning, he needs to get more sleep. Hell, I need more sleep but I can't lay there anymore, my mind runs too much. I take in the sight before me in the mirror. I look horrible. My eyes still puffy and red, something I've always hated about myself when I cried, it was evident the next day when all I would want to do is forget about it. I splash some cold water on my face and fix my mess of hair on my head into a high messy bun. These guys have seen me straight out of bed so I'm not too worried, minus the red eyes. I weakly smile at myself in the mirror. They have to see me eventually, might as well go out there now. I sneak past Harry, still snoring in the bed and open the door seeing all the guys watching TV. I realized we only have a little bit of time together before me and Harry head to New York and they all head home.

"Good morning guys..." I shyly say to them as I nervously scratch my neck. I sit next to Niall on the couch. "Anything good on?" I'm trying to avoid any subject about yesterday and last night.

"I don't know, the remote isn't working so I turned the TV on manually and this is what's on. We can't change the channel. It's been stupid infomercials all morning." Niall doesn't know how the remote broke, and I'm sure as hell not saying anything. I glance over to Liam who gives me a half smile, thinking the exact same things as me.

"So what time is your flight to New York Allie?" Zayn looks at me as he plays with the zipper on his jacket.

"We have to be at the airport around 2, our flight leaves at 4:12. What time do you all head out?"

"We are all flying to my place first, the boys are gonna stay a few days before heading the rest of their ways. But we're all flying out around the same time, so we'll just all go to the airport together." Louis is excited about going home. He's been missing Eleanor, and being around me and Harry seems to make it worse.

"I'm really going miss you guys..." I trail off as I feel my eyes starting to tear up, again. They haven't seen me cry, ever, so I'm not about to do it now. I bite my lip and blink away the tears. But it was true, I was really going to miss them. They have been my family and being with them every single day and night for almost 2 months, that's a long time. And now we all part ways?

"Ohhh c'mon Allie, don't get emotional cause then Zayn will cry, then I'll just won't be any good if we're all crying." I laugh as Louis tries to make it less sad. "But seriously, we'll miss you too. And it's not like it's goodbye forever. We'll go home for a little more than a month and then we'll be back writing and recording. So it won't be that long."

"Yeah I guess you're right. It's just going to be weird not seeing you guys everyday. You better call me once in a while dammit." I point at each of them, laughing but meaning it. "I'm going to go sit on the balcony for a bit until Harry wakes up." I excuse myself and make my way to the door, sliding it open, and sitting in one of the chairs. I close my eyes and breath in the fresh air. It's not too hot out, there's a slight breeze making the palm trees sway, the sky is overcast and gray. I sit in silence, thinking about how much my life has changed. I went from having nothing, literally nothing and about to end it, to meeting Harry and instantly falling for him. To me leaving him, him leaving New York, me getting the best job and new friend I could ever ask for. Then back with Harry and being with the guys, to now. I'm so thankful, so very thankful for Harry giving me back life and happiness. I think about the future, how we'll soon be in his home town and I'll be meeting his family. Deep down though, I'm terrified. Terrified that Harry will stop loving me, that he'll get tired of me being around constantly. When we get to his mom's house I'll be staying there, when they go back on tour I'll be on the bus or hotel room with him. He says he wants and needs that, for me to be with him always, but I can't help but worry he'll get tired of me. I try not to think about it, and push it out of my head but I can't. Everyone in my life has always pushed me away, left me, and just got tired of me and wanted to move on with their life, without me. How can I not think he'll do the same? My thoughts come to a halt as the sliding door opens. I glance over my shoulder and it's Liam.

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