Chapter 10

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Allison's POV

The meet and greet went by quickly. I spent my time with Lou and her sweet little girl Lux. We share stories of our lives, the good and bad. She slips in funny stories about Harry and I find myself laughing until my stomach hurts. Finally the boys come into the room and all let out yawns as they sit down. I raise my eyebrows at them. "Aww, does signing autographs and having all these girls kiss the ground you walk on really take it out of you?"   I ask them sarcastically as I pour out my bottom lip playfully. Louis grabs a pillow and chunks it at me. We all laugh and I throw it back at him. I could get used to this.

Harry and I head to my car as we wave off to the others. He's asked if he can stay at my apartment again so he doesn't have to sleep in the stuffy hotel room. For some reason I don't believe it's because it's stuffy. I smile and agree, of course. The guys all wiggling their eyebrows and patting Harry's back as we part ways. Real mature guys.

We climb into the car and head towards my apartment. "Are you hungry?"   He shrugs and kind of nods. "What do you want? My treat."   I smile at him as he tells me he just wants a hotdog from one of the vendors off the street. I chuckle as I see one and pull over. We order our hotdogs and sit on a bench to eat them. We are close to Central Park and he asks if I want to go for a walk and sit in the park. I agree. He laces his fingers with mine. I can't help but look down at them and smile. Butterflies erupt in my stomach. He slowly sits down under a tree and pulls me down with him. He positions me between his legs, my back to his chest, his hands drape over my shoulders and my hands find his. I admire his large hands and play with his fingers.

"Allie, there's something I've been meaning to ask you."   I lean my head back so it's resting in his shoulder. This feels so right.

I smile and respond. "Hmm?"

"Well, you know we leave in 3 days right?   I um....I want you to uh...well what I'm trying to say is, will you come with me? On the bus and finish our interviews and meet and greets. Please say you will."

I smile at how nervous he is. He didn't know I kind of knew he was going to ask me. While he was at the meet and greet I got a call from Tammy. We talked and she told me she already told him she gave him her 'permission' already. I scooted away from him and sat across from him, looking down. I replay the conversation with Tammy in my head.  She told me to go for it.  That if I didn't, I may miss my chance at something great and that I'd always wonder what if.  She has it in her head that Harry and I are soul mates, and that's not something to chance.  So I look Harry deep in his eyes and bite my cheek.  My heart is pounding and I hope I'm making the right choice here.

"Harry, I'd love to go with you."  His smile is so big and so bright, he's genuinely happy and I love that I made him feel that way.  "Are you sure everyone else is going to be ok with this though?  I mean, the guys.  I don't want to be a burden on you or them.  I don't want to be in the way.  I just want to make sure everyone is on board."

"Allie, I've already discussed this with them.  After last time when I asked you, we all talked about what it would be life if you did actually come along.  We have an extra bunk on the bus....or you could share with me."  He devilishly smiles and winks at me.  "It'll be tight, but cuddling never hurt anyone right?  But seriously, if they all say it's cool, and Tammy thinks you's worth a shot at making us work right?"  He's right.  All signs are pointing to yes.  The only thing that would keep me here and keep me from going is Tammy and my job.  She assured me that if things didn't work out and I ended up coming back that I'd have my position back.  Since I have no other family or friends, why not?

I take in a deep breath, exhaling slowly.  "Ok Styles, I guess my answer is yes.  Oh my god, this is insane!"  I cover my face with my hands and let out a playful scream.  I can't believe I'm going to do this.  "Oh god, what are your fans going to say?"  I remember reading all the nasty things some of them would say when he was seen with a girl.  They were ruthless and down right mean. 

"Well, if they are true fans then they'll be happy for me.  Besides, I don't care what anyone thinks, as long as I have you by my side then I'm happy."  I lean my back against his chest again and rest against him.  "I guess we can make our first appearance together tomorrow night.  I want to take you on our first legit date.  Dinner with my girlfriend."  He kisses the top of my head and I smile just at the sound of that.  I'm his girlfriend, how crazy?! 

After a while of sitting there under the tree, we make our way to my car and head back to the hotel they're staying at.  Harry wants to grab some clothes before going back to my apartment.  We make it unnoticed by the paparazzi and fans since we're in my car, thank goodness.  He has his hood pulled up and head down just incase.  We sneak out the back and run to the tour bus which is behind some gates.  I feel like a ninja sneaking around, I silently laugh to myself as I think that.  We make it to the bus.  He grabs my hand and he pulls me down the narrow path, bunks lining each side.  He pulls the curtain back on the bottom bunk and says to me "Home sweet home" with a little chuckle.  He was right, the bunks aren't very big.  I think to myself about how we could actually both fit, it'd be tight, but we could manage.  He notices me shyly smiling to myself and I can tell he can read the expression on my face.  "It'll be cramped but I don't mind."  He says with a wink.  He sits on the ledge of the bunk and I notice my old jacket tucked in the corner.  I completely forgot that I left it there that night, laying his head down on it as I snuck away.  About a month after I remember searching through my stuff for that jacket. 

"Ah, my jacket."  I said as I picked it up, admiring it since it's been so long since I've seen it.  I look at him and grin. 

"Oh, yeah.  I uh, I kept it.  The guys give me shit about it all the time, but I don't care.  I couldn't bring myself to get rid of it.  It smelled like you for a while, until it eventually wore off.  But I kept it in my bunk and at night I'd close my eyes smelling the vanilla scent and imagined you were by me."  He looks down, clearly embarrassed that he gave that information away.  "I know, I know...I'm lame."

I smile and shake my head.  "Not lame.  Sweet."  He's so cute when he gets embarrassed.  He then pulls out the note I left him.  He's kept it this whole time too.  I don't know what to say, something so small and so simple was the sweetest thing.  He looks at me and bites his bottom lip.  The way he does that takes my breath away.  "I'm glad you kept them both."  I smile and take a step towards him.  My arms go around his neck and I hug him, and I can feel his heart beating against me.  He pulls back from my embrace, takes my jacket and places it in the bunk directly across from his.  "This will be yours."  My bunk.  My bunk on the tour bus with One Direction.  This can't be real.  I shake my head and look at the beautiful guy infront of me and realize this is infact real.  This will be my life for as long as we can make this work. And I'm ready to jump in head first.

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