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The moving van eventually arrived, which was a massive relief, however while I waited, Travis took me around the neighborhood to introduce me to everyone. I was very nervous at first; it had been a while since I met someone new, let alone multiple people, but everyone was so kind. Aphmau, Katelyn, and Kawaii~Chan were first, and they welcomed me warmly with hugs, cookies, and flowers. Thankfully, they told me Travis had only said good things about me to them, so I already made a good impression. After that, I encountered Cadenza, Lucinda, and Nicole, who despite their differing personalities, all intrigued me. 

Now, standing in front of the moving van, my brother tugs at my arm,

"You should meet all of my roommates first!" he begs. "It's only fair that everyone gets to see you before you're stuck in your house unpacking." I raise an eyebrow,

"Am I going to get help with said unpacking?" Travis taps his chin, deep in thought. I roll my eyes, smiling.

"If you treat me to a taco lunch, I will gladly help you," he replies finally, offering his hand. I shake it firmly, smirking,

"Deal." We walk down the street, Travis waving at the cars that pass by as if he knows whoever is inside of them. Once we reach his house, he pulls his key out of his front pocket, it jingling as he inserts it into the lock. "You'll like them, Y/N," Travis says to me, winking, before pushing on the front door. I immediately hear yelling when the door is open, so I cower behind my brother as he storms inside. When I look to see who is yelling, I see two men, one with blue hair and the other with black hair. Their faces are shaped similarly as if they are related. A blonde and a brunette are leaning against the kitchen counter shaking their heads at each other while watching the other two argue. Travis crosses his arms, "Gene! Dante! Stop fighting for the love of Irene!" The men all look in Travis's direction, then their gazes shift over to me. My cheeks grow warm from the attention and I clasp my clammy hands together.

"Hey, Dante started it!" the black-haired man complains, to which his brother with blue hair sticks his tongue out at him. Travis stifles a laugh, gesturing to me, "Guys, this is my little sister, Y/N. Y/N, this is Garroth, Laurence, Dante, and Gene." As he says their names, Travis points to each person.

"Hi!" I wave, a slight awkwardness in my tone.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N!" Laurence replies, giving me a curt nod while grinning. He has soft blue eyes and tanned skin with little freckles adoring his nose. Garroth, the blond-haired blue-eyed man with dramatic expressions, elbows him, tilting his head when he asks me,

"You're moving in the neighborhood, right?"

"Travis has been going on and on about his sister moving in for the past few weeks," Dante crosses his arms, smirking. "Where have you been?" I giggle as Dante's eyelids lower over his sapphire eyes, gazing at me with a smugness that lightens the tension in my body. Garroth opens his mouth wide, stomping loudly with one foot.

"I've been right here!" he yells, throwing his arms in the air. "Travis says a lot of things, it's not like I pay that close attention!" Gene howls with laughter and falls backward onto the couch, the decorative chains attached to his ripped jeans jingling loudly. My brother points at Garroth, clearly offended,

"It's not like you talk about anything more interesting!" Travis, Garroth, and Dante continue yelling at each other, however despite their voices being raised, there is a lightness to their arguing. I feel my phone buzz abruptly in my pocket, so I lean against the wall to check the notification. My eyes flicker over to look at Gene, who is giving me a smirk as he pats the cushion next to him on the couch.

Stolen Heart (Zenix x Reader) |Book One| [UNDER REVISION]Where stories live. Discover now