FanFics Pt. 3

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(Thank you, @HOPE4everLOVE4ever for giving me your idea! And btw, this is going to have a bit of Gardenza, so I hope you find this funny! I actually used to ship that, until... yeah...)

"Okay," Garroth begins,

Once upon a time, there was a blonde kitty cat named... G.

"This is the same as your other story!" Dante flings his arms in the air. Garroth shakes his head,
"Nooo. It just starts out the same."
"Oh, pssh," Dante rolls his eyes.

G was a cat with a broken heart. He was trying to find the purrfect love for him, and one day, he did. While walking in a meadow, a kitty cat with fiery fur and green paws dashed through the grass, laughing and speeding right past G. That cat's name was---

"Cadenza," Laurence cuts Garroth off, not sounding pleased. "You just described Cadenza as a cat."
"WHAT?!" Aphmau yells, then she squeezes her cheeks.
"Garroth..." I stare at him, "I thought you... liked Aph..."
"YOU GUYS ARE COMING TO ASUMPTIONS! IT MIGHT NOT BE CADENZA!" Garroth shouts. Travis comes up the stairs and stares at us.
"I don't even think I want to know what's going on here," Travis smirks.
"Yeah, you don't..." I admit, thinking back on all of our weird stories. Garroth looks at his laptop and starts blushing a bit and I know something for a fact: Garroth may have the hots for Aphmau, but he likes something about Cadenza too. Laurence doesn't seem to like it as he crosses his arms and glares at Garroth. Aphmau starts making weird squealing noises and Dante gives her a funny look.
"Aph, you okay?" he asks.
"GARROTH!" she breathes, "I SHIP IT!" Garroth blushes a bit more and Laurence's mouth drops open,
"Are you SERIOUS?!"
"Yes," Aphmau smiles, "and me and Y/N are going to help you get with Cadenza!"
"What?!" I exclaim, "I never agreed---"
"Oh, c'mon, Y/N! It'll be easy, Garroth is a very likable person!" Aphmau and Garroth lock gazes and then Aphmau looks back at me, "Please?!"
"Fiiiiine. I'll help you."
"YESSS!" Aphmau pumps her fist.
"Wait, are we done with the Fanfics or..." Dante shuts his laptop and sighs, "well, I don't know if this went worse or better than last time." Laurence shuts his laptop hard,
"I guess Garroth started liking Cadenza when he went with her to the Valentine's Day Date," Travis mentions, walking over to the guys. Suddenly, my phone buzzes and I take it out of my pocket. It's Zenix.

(Y = You; Z = Zenix)

Z: Hey, what's up? Where are you?
Y: Oh, I thought I told you, I'm doing a fanfic writing and reading with Aphmau, Garroth, Laurence, and Dante.
Y: Yeah, he's totally cool now. He likes Nicole.
Z: He does?!
Y: Yeah.
Z: Oh, okay, I just wanted to make sure you were okay, because I haven't seen you.
Y: I understand, thanks for checking up on me!
Z: No problem.

"Hey, Y/N!" Aphmau taps my shoulder and I put my phone down.
"Are you ready?"
"Ready for...?"
"To help get Garroth and Cadenza together!" Aphmau exclaims. I sigh,
"Aphmau, are you just doing this to get the attention off of you? Since Garroth and Laurence both like you, are you just trying to narrow it down?"
"N-no... But I guess I am... not purposely, though... I love Garroth," she admits, "but if there is someone else he likes, I want him to not feel torn like how I feel..." Aphmau looks at her feet. I nod,
"Okay, I gotcha. Now, what is the ship name for Garroth and Cadenza?"

Sorry for the lack of updates, I'll try and update more often! Thanks for reading and I hope you like the Gardenza stuff that is about to happen! :P

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