Don't Say I Didn't Warn You

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(Thanks so much for all of the positive support on my past few chapters! They have been pretty sad and depressing so I'm hoping to make some funny stuff happen!)


I am sitting on Zenix's couch in his living room, impatiently waiting for him. He said he was going to take a shower to get all of the blood off of him and I insisted to wait for him. Suddenly, I hear a buzzing noise. It's not my phone... The buzzing sound comes again and I look around. Hidden beneath the pile of books on Zenix's coffee table is his slick black phone with a grey case and gold outlining. On his screen is a bunch of text message notifications from a group chat called SK. I try to ignore the buzzing, but I can't so I look at the text messages. It is just Sasha and Gene going back and forth...

Text Message Conversation: SK

Gene: Has it happened yet?
Sasha: No, we are out of luck.😠
Gene: 😏YOU are out of luck!
Sasha: SHUT UP GENE!!!
Gene: You shut up
Sasha: Hmph
Gene: Hey, chill Sasha. You never had him anyway.
Gene: Heh, speaking of, do you maybe want to hang out?
Sasha: Wait a minute... WAIT A MINUTE
Gene: What?
Gene: Aww that's cute! Just like in high school!
Sasha: Zenix isn't here is he?
Gene: ...
Gene: Nope. His phone is probably dead.
Sasha: That's normal. We can ask him a bit later.
Vylad: Guys, stop texting. You like, blew up my phone.

"What are you doing?" Zenix comes into the living room, his cargo pants on but... he has no shirt... I blush for a second before responding,
"You have some texts." I hand him his phone and continue to blush as I notice that he has a six-pack... (Cause he has to, no one judge!) He groans when he reads the texts.
"What the heck...?" Zenix turns away from me, revealing scars on his back too and I flinch. After busily texting for a few minutes, he turns back around and faces me. "Would you possibly want to go to a sleepover with Sasha, Gene, Vylad, and I?" I think for a minute. I don't know Gene very well, but I used to be beasties with Sasha before high school. I've never met Vylad, but from the sound of his text, he sounds like a funny guy!
"Sure, okay!" I smile, "I'm cool with whatever." Actually, I just want to make sure Zenix is okay after all of that... Zenix looks a little unsure.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm okay with that," I lean in and kiss his cheek, "as long as you're there..." he blushes and says sarcastiacally,
"Don't say I didn't warn you!"

Ooh a sleepover with the Shadow Knights! This might be bad... Or hilarious... Thanks for reading! The next chapter will be out soon!

Stolen Heart (Zenix x Reader) |Book One| [UNDER REVISION]Where stories live. Discover now