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Dante and Travis helped me unpack by relocating my furniture inside from the moving truck while I opened all of my boxes. Once the sun went down, Travis and Dante begged for a break, so I decided to uphold my end of the bargain and treat Travis to tacos. Before we got into Travis' car, Dante gave me a quick hug and promised to return to help me unpack tomorrow, but I told him that wasn't necessary. Despite his protests, he finally gave in and told me to give him a call if I needed anything.

Now driving to the restaurant, Travis raves about how excited he is to have his favorite tacos. He pauses suddenly, clearing his throat.

"Dante seems like he's being extra friendly with you," Travis mentions, taking his eyes off of the road for a moment to give me a smug look. "Have you noticed?" My sigh turns into a sheepish laugh and I start rubbing my forehead.

"Oh, I've noticed," I reply, staring out the window to my right as we pass by Travis' house. "I've only been here for a day, which is what confuses me." Travis scoffs,

"Well, I can't say I'm surprised. I've talked to Dante the most about you, so I'm sure he was excited to finally meet you."

"I was so worried about fitting in," I admit, turning my gaze towards the car radio as I flip through the music stations. "It seems like I fit in a bit too well." Shaking my head, I hold my face in my hands. "Either that's a really good thing or it's very bad." Travis chuckles, taking one hand off of the wheel and placing it comfortingly on my shoulder.

"Don't think too hard about it, Y/N. Let's just enjoy some tacos!" he exclaims, smiling brightly in my direction. I meet his gaze and return the expression, releasing a deep breath. One of the major reasons I decided to move was to be closer to my brother. I shake all other thoughts out of my head and focus on having a delightful time with Travis. When we park at the restaurant, Travis cries out with excitement, almost forgetting his keys in his car. "You're going to love this place, I promise!" he tells me as we approach the doors. Travis reaches for the handle, but the door is pushed open before us, revealing Gene with a surprised expression.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" he asks, holding the door open for us to come inside. I give him a kind smile, although I'm reminded of the way he acted around me when we first met and feel my shoulders tense.

"We're just getting some dinner," Travis replies, seeming a little more alert than he was before. "What about you?"

"Zenix and I got a bite, we're leaving now," Gene leads us into the restaurant. My ears are filled with lots of sounds: clanging utensils, sizzling meat, crunching of hard-shells, and lots of laughter and talking. "It's pretty packed tonight, I don't know if you'll be able to get a table right away," Gene mentions, crossing his arms. I sigh with disappointment and Gene notices as he gazes over at me. He places his hand on my arm, squeezing my bicep. "Cheer up, Y/N, maybe I can see if they can give you mine and Zenix's table." Gene releases my arm and walks over to the hostess, hands in his pockets. Travis shakes his head, then tells me,

"I'm going to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." I giggle as my brother follows after him. While I'm waiting, I lean against the wall and pull out my phone, looking at my social media account. I decided to post those pictures Dante took since they were so lovely, and I received a lot of positive comments. Even Gene had commented since I accepted his follow request, and I feel my cheeks flush as I read what it says: "Took my breath away." I swipe away, trying to push how that made me feel out of my mind as I check my notifications. To my surprise, I see that a lot of other people who live in the neighborhood requested to follow me, including Garroth, Laurence, Aphmau, Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, and Zenix. Unconsciously, I accept Zenix's request first and click on his account, browsing through the photos. Similar to Gene's account, he has a lot of pictures of him, Gene, and Sasha, but I can't help but notice there are photos of just him. One picture in particular catches my eye, and I cover my mouth in shock at the confidence radiating from it. Zenix is standing with a wide stance in front of a spray painted masterpiece, a devious look on his face as he smirks with his teeth showing, his brown eyes with a tint of redness narrowed.

Stolen Heart (Zenix x Reader) |Book One| [UNDER REVISION]Where stories live. Discover now