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"This place is nice!" Travis exclaims as he looks around the empty space in my new home. Dante, who was invited to help, wanders around, running his palm along the wall.

"Yeah, it is!" Dante agrees. Following directly behind my brother, I bump into his back when he stops in his tracks.

"Wait..." Travis looks around rapidly. "I need to find something." Dante shakes his head at the floor as if he already knows what Travis is going to ask.

"What is it?" I ask Travis. I back away from my brother as he whips his body around and exclaims,

"Didn't the reviews on this place say it had a good shower?!" Travis yells. Before I can reply, he runs upstairs. "I want to find out!" I shoot Dante a confused look and he just rolls his eyes,

"You don't live here, you know!" Dante calls up the stairs to him. He then looks over at me, raising a thick blue eyebrow, "Did Travis not have an obsession with hygiene when he was a kid? Or was this a recent thing?" I think for a moment, then shrug,

"I guess he did always take long showers and would brush his teeth four times a day." Dante gasps, covering his mouth.

"Four times?!" he exclaims. "I brush my teeth twice a day, only once if I'm feeling lazy." I laugh, running my hand through my hair, and to my surprise, Dante's cheeks flush and he quickly looks away. My face shows a confused expression as my head tilts slightly. "Is there something wrong?" I ask. Dante hesitates to reply as his gaze finds mine again, the redness on his cheeks standing out against his fair complexion.

"Take a step back," he instructs me finally. My eyebrows furrow as my confusion grows, but I do as I'm told, feeling the light coming in from the window behind me warm my back and shoulders. "Stay right there and make that face again."

"What face?" I question, sighing. "Dante, what's going on?"

"You know the one!" he smiles, pulling out his phone. "You were laughing and you put your hand on your head." I try and remember exactly what I must've looked like, but the smile I had before won't return to my lips.

"You need to make me laugh, then," I tell him, smirking. Dante crosses his arms, considering what I've asked of him. Then, he looks over at the stairs and yells,

"Hey, Travis?!"

"What?!" my brother shouts from the bathroom upstairs.

"Katelyn's outside wearing a bikini!"

"WHAT?!" I giggle at Travis' gullibility, running my hand through my hair as Dante holds up his phone to take a photo of me. He smiles as he rotates the phone from portrait to landscape, squatting down for a different angle. Once he's finished, Dante gestures for me to come over, but before I have the chance to do so, there is a knock on the front door. 

"Just a second," I tell Dante, and he nods in understanding, waiting behind me as I open the door. Smiling behind it is Kawaii~Chan clutching a basket, its contents covered with a pink cloth.

"Hiiii, Y/N~Chan!" she greets me, her ears twitching "And Dante~Kun!" I smile,

"Hey, Kawaii~Chan! What's up?"

Stolen Heart (Zenix x Reader) |Book One| [UNDER REVISION]Where stories live. Discover now