True Laughs

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"So, what kind of books do you read?" I ask Zenix. He invited me over to hang out, so we sit on his living room couch. I go through his stack of books and none of them have titles. They are just blank covers with gold accents on the sides. The words in the books are tiny and there are about six-hundred pages in each book.
"A lot of different things," he answers, taking a book with a red, hard cover from my hands. "like this one is a romance," He takes a green book from me, "this one is a mystery," He takes a blue book from me, "and this one is a horror story. It doesn't even scare me, though." I cross my arms and laugh,
"Why are you reading a romance, Zenix?!"
"Dahhhhh..." His eyes grow wide and his mouth hangs open a little bit and I crack up.
"I'm just messing with you! I bet it's because you want variety, is that accurate?"
"Uhhhhh, YEAH," Zenix puts the books in a stack on his coffee table, seeming like he wants to change the subject.
"What do you read, Y/N?"
"YouTube. I read YouTube," I honestly reply. Zenix laughs and I smile at his laugh. "Your laugh is like, an octave lower than your actual voice!" I mention. Zenix stops laughing and stares at the ground, looking embarrassed. I think for a moment before saying, "Zenix, get on the ground, stomach facing up."
"Just do it," I command him seriously. Looking unsure, Zenix does exactly what I ask.
"But just so you know, I'm not ticklish," Zenix adds.
"Doesn't matter!" I smile and sit on his stomach. He grunts,
"What are you doing?!"
"It's called the true laugh test! Have you ever heard of it?"
"No. And quite frankly, I don't want to find out," Zenix looks a little nervous now.
"Don't be scared. All I'm going to do is push had on the center of your chest. Okay?"
"Zenix, relax."
"Is it a pressure point?!"
"Oh Irene, no!" I sigh, "just... relax..." I push down on the center of his chest. "and laugh." Zenix begins to laugh, but it's higher pitched now. It sounds like, "Bwahahahahaha" and I crack up just listening to him laugh. Then, he grabs onto my waist and flips me to the ground. I cry out, but I know Zenix is just messing around with me. He sits on my stomach lightly because he knows I couldn't hold up his weight. Then, he pushes down on the center of my chest and I begin to laugh. Mine sounds more like, "Tehehehehehehehe" and Zenix laughs at me, rolling onto the ground next to me. I grab his cheeks and kiss him, stopping his laughter. I feel him kiss back and his hand grab the back of my head and he messes with my hair. We release each other to get air, but we begin to laugh again, this time, Zenix is laughing truly. "I like your ridiculous sounding laugh better than your manly one, Zenix," I murmur jokingly to him. He rolls his eyes,
"Well, I like your idiotic sounding laugh better than your regular one."
"Wait, how?!"
"Because you are cuter when you laugh idiotically!" Zenix cracks up and I cross my arms and shake my head,
"Wow. Thanks."
"I'm just kidding, Y/N..." Zenix embraces me by putting his arms around my waist. "But seriously, your true laugh is better than your other one."
"Same to you." I lay in his arms and close my eyes. Suddenly, a loud crashing noise makes Zenix tense up and he grabs onto me, holding me very close as he stands up. This feels so weird... When I look up, Dante and Aaron are standing in the doorway, Zenix's door broken down. I blush when Dante sees me, Zenix still holding me.
"Guys, get packed!" Aaron yells.
"What the Nether?! You broke down my door!" Zenix yells at Dante and Aaron.
"Okay, we can fix that later!" Dante looks like he is trying to ignore the fact that I'm in Zenix's arms, "Aaron and I got tickets to the beach resort, Love-Love Paradise!"
"Woah, WHAT?!" I exclaim, getting out of Zenix's arms, "you're so lucky!"
"Was that worth breaking my door down?" Zenix groans.
"YES," Aaron answers sternly.
"Y/N, we got you and Zenix tickets too!" Dante jumps excitedly, "Gene and Sasha also have tickets," Dante mentions, rolling his eyes.
"Yeah!" Aaron smiles, "but you have to pack NOW. We have to be on the plane in an hour!"
"WHAT?!" I run past them and out the door, "Bye Zenix! See you on the plane! I've got some packing to do!"

Well, looks like you're off to Love-Love Paradise! Just fyi, this story might not follow the exact storyline as the actual thing, but very close. A new chapter will be out soon! Thanks for reading!

Stolen Heart (Zenix x Reader) |Book One| [UNDER REVISION]Where stories live. Discover now