Fanfics Pt. 2

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"Okay, who wants to go first?" Aphmau asks. We all just stare at each other for a minute before all of our eyes land on Laurence. He facepalms.
"WHY ME?!" He pulls some of his hair.
"I don't... I don't really know..." Dante sighs, "we just all looked at you."
"BECAUSE I'M TOO HAWT FOR YOU GUYS TO HANDLE?!" Laurence exclaims and flexes a bit. Garroth blinds his eyes,
"THERE'S NOTHING THERE!" Dante covers his eyes too and dies laughing with Garroth. I let out a little giggle,
"Oh no she didn't, LAURENCE!" Laurence gives me the 'BOI' look, but he ends up laughing himself.
"Okay, Laurence," Aphmau smiles, "you're up!" Laurence clears his throat and begins his story...

Once upon a time lived a... uhhh... a werewolf named Lafeyette. He lived in a wolf tribe called Met- uhhh... Metallica...

"Isn't that a band, Laurence?" Garroth interrupts.

Anyway, Lafeyette was a very popular wolf and was loved by almost all of the she-wolves. He just didn't know which she-wolf was right for him... until one day, Lafeyette spotted a stray: a vision of beauty. But she was a purple rabbit and wolves don't like rabbits.

"Wow, I had NOOOO idea!" Dante says sarcastically and rolls his eyes.

Lafeyette met the rabbit and her name was Bunnymau. Bunnymau was a sweet darling angel and Lafeyette fell in love with her, but the rest of the wolves thought it was wrong, and thought he was weak. But Lafeyette made his decision, left the wolf tribe, and lived with Bunnymau in her bunny troop, with bunnies named Bunnyte, B/N (bunny name), and Bunnyroth.

"You suck at names, Laurence," I remark and Laurence shrugs.
"I tried my best."
"Okay, Dante! You're up!" Aphmau cracks up, "if it's anything like your last story..."
"No, no! It's not!" Dante assures, "ITS BETTER!"

The year was... present day I guess... and no one knew that there was a superhero, hidden in the depths of the ocean, waiting to come out of his cave and save the world from whatever comes to attack. And his name was... DANTE!!!

"I thought you said that this would be nothing like your other story!" Laurence complains.
"I'm not done reading..." Dante replies calmly. "Continuing on,"

One day, a knock on his cave woke him from his sleep, and he saw that it was a mermaid! She had beautiful red hair and-

"IT'S ARIEL!!!" Garroth shouts. Aphmau and I roll our eyes and Laurence dies laughing. Dante sighs and slaps his forehead,
"Pfft, no, it's Nicole..."

(This next part was an idea given by Bobbiwithani and weberella123 )

"DANTE x ARIEL!!!" I shout and everyone cracks up.
"GARROTH x MIRROR!!!" Laurence screams, "DAMN YOU'RE HOT!"
"DANTE x CHAIR!!! THE THING THAT WILL SUPPORT HIM!!!" Garroth dies laughing.
"LAURENCE x LAMP!!!" Aphmau yells, "IT LIGHTS UP HIS WORLD!!!" I go next,
"TRAVIS x BLANKET!!! IT'S ALL OVER HIM!!!" We all laugh our heads off, getting extremely off topic.
"Okay, back to what we were doing..." Aphmau stops laughing and smiles.
"What were we doing again...?" Garroth asks, still laughing.
"WAIT, WAIT, I'VE GOT ONE MORE!!!" Laurence says, "TRAVIS x GLOVES. THE ONLY HANDS HE CAN TOUCH!!!" We all have one last laughing session before Dante exclaims,
"Oh! Right! Back to my story..."

The mermaid Nicole told him that their was a sea monster attacking her mermaid town-ish thing. So Dante immediately came out of his cave so Nicole could take him to her town. When they got there, Nicole's sister, Katelyn, was being attacked by this giant sea monster. Dante used his epic kung fu moves and killed the sea monster and saved Katelyn and the mermaid town. "How can I ever repay you?!" Katelyn asks Dante. He looks at Nicole and smiles "Give me your blessing to marry your sister." And she did. So Nicole the mermaid and Dante the underwater superhero got married and lived happily for the rest of their lives! The end!

"Not bad, Dante!" Aphmau compliments him, "Have you been working on your writing?"
"I have, actually!" Dante brags.
"Pfft, you call that good writing?" I cross my arms jokingly.
"You should go next then, Y/N!" Garroth says.
"Okay, sure!" I look at my laptop and begin to read the words off of the screen...

In a faraway kingdom long ago, there lived a darling princess named P/S/N (princess name). P/S/N lived in a castle made of beautiful stone that no one can break through, so the princess was protected. But that also mean that P/S/N was not allowed outside of the castle walls, and the princess didn't like feeling locked up. One strange evening, a loud bang could be heard from the upstairs corridors and P/S/N came sprinting down the stairs to see what it was. It was a man, a highly attractive and strong looking man to be exact, and he held in his hands the gold from the kingdom that he stole.

"Okay, so the bad guy is highly attractive?" Laurence interrupts.
"Yes," I reply, "now shut up, I'm trying to read here."
"I think I'm the bad guy..." Garroth mutters underneath his breath.

P/S/N begged the man to take the kingdoms's money back to the place that he found it, but he refused. The man was also wearing a grey and golden mask and only a tuff of brown hair and his red eyes could be seen through the armor. Grey armor with golden accents covered him, not allowing P/S/N to really see what he looks like. So, P/S/N took matters into her own hands and jumped on the man, taking his mask off and kissing him straight on the lips!

"That escalated quickly..." Dante remarks.
"No kidding," Laurence looks at me deeply, "But who is this guy?!"
"Yeah, he doesn't sound familiar at all..." Garroth mentions.
"Moving on..." I continue to read...

The masked man looked at P/S/N straight in the eyes and P/S/N could now see that the man's eyes were fading out of being red, but were turning into a brown color. "Why did you kiss me?" The man asked. "Because I know that every person is a good person somewhere," P/S/N smiles at him, "what is your name?" "Yenix," the man responds. P/S/N end up becoming very good friends with him after he returned the kingdom's money back to the bank and it seems as if Yenix stole P/S/N's heart because they end up becoming boyfriend and girlfriend and living happily together in the castle. The end!

"That was pretty good, Y/N!" Laurence admits.
"I thought you said you were no good at writing!" Dante reminds me.
"Well, maybe I did say that," I laugh nervously, "but I don't consider myself amazing at writing."
"I thought it was great!" Aphmau smiles, "I guess I'm next?"
"Yup!" Laurence closes his laptop, "let's hear this!"

This is a pretty long chapter, so I'm going to have to make a Fanfics pt. 3, but that's okay! That chapter will be out very soon! Thanks for reading!

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