Shipping & Advice

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(New term: D/S/N - The name of your and Dante's ship a.k.a. a combination of both of your names. Btw I am curious on what some of them are... mine is Gabrite!)


When I get home, Garroth is outside of my house with Kawaii~Chan. He is reading something on her phone and looks as if he will explode with laughter. I walk over to them.
"What's up?" I ask. Garroth looks up from Kawaii~Chan's phone and laughs,
"Read this!" He hands me Kawaii~Chan's phone and I take it. Looking at the screen, I see Wattpad and it is on a story Kawaii~Chan was apparently reading... wait... a story she is writing called "He Catches When She Falls". (No clue if that is a real story) Wait a sec... I stare at Kawaii~Chan with my mouth dropped open.
"YOU WROTE A STORY ABOUT DANTE AND I?!" I shout in her face. She giggles,
"Kawaii~Chan totally ships D/S/N!" Garroth takes Kawaii~Chan's phone from me and hands it to her. Kawaii~Chan skips away from Garroth and I, humming a tune I don't recognize. I turn to Garroth.
"Is she serious?!" I groan. Garroth shrugs,
"Pretty much. I hate it because she ships Aphmau and Aaron when Laurence and I are still options for her."
"Yeah, and the fact that she is shipping me with Dante is awkward because he isn't the only guy in this neighborhood that I might actually like," I sigh. Garroth raises an eyebrow.
"Oh!" I slap my forehead, "Gah, just forget I said that!" Garroth laughs and puts his finger up to his mouth, signaling that he won't tell a soul.
"If you are confused about that type of thing," Garroth begins, "you could always ask Aphmau. I'm sure she could give you some advice."
"That's a great idea! Thanks Garroth!" I exclaim and give him a hug. He blushes,
"Don't mention it."
"And hey," I smile, "I'll even ask Aphmau how she feels about you, okay?" Garroth just blushes and I take that as an okay. When I get to Aphmau's house, I knock on the door and Katelyn answers.
"Oh, you're Travis's sister."
"Yeah, I am. My name is Y/N."
"Mmhm, I remember you," Katelyn eyes me sharply, "So what do you want?"
"I came here to talk to Aphmau."
"Well, she is hanging out with Zane, also known as playing with ponies," she rolls her eyes, "which I assume you don't want to do." Katelyn puts her hands on her hips. "So what do you need from Aph?"
"Advice? On what?"
"I... I like two guys and I don't know who to choose..." I look at my feet. Katelyn lets out a small sigh before replying,
"Who are the boys?" I don't respond, giving her the message that I don't want her to know. "Fine, don't tell me. My advice is to pick the one that... well... the one you know better and the one that makes you smile... even if it's from being stupid..." Katelyn smiles and looks past me at the guy's house across the street. I smirk,
"Travis?" She jumps and gives me a surprised look.
"N-no! Leave me alone, weird girl!" Katelyn yells, clearly flustered and she slams the door on my face. Okay, this will be easier... I just have to find the guy that I know better and the one that makes me smile! Er, this might be harder than I'm making it seem...

Which boy will end up winning your heart? The next chapter will be out soon! Feel free to leave a suggestion for what to happen next if you have a good idea! Thanks for reading!

Stolen Heart (Zenix x Reader) |Book One| [UNDER REVISION]Where stories live. Discover now