Wedding Preperations Pt. 2 - The Suit

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Zenix's POV

"No, Gene, I need a suit. I said a suit!" I yell at him. "You said you wanted to help me, so are you going to help me or are you going to sit there and make a Lenny face?!"
"Okay, okay, a suit. Got it," Gene strokes his unshaven chin. Honestly, I can't tell if he's growing a beard or not, but he just looks weird. "Where do we get a suit?"
"How the heck am I gonna know? And besides, you don't just need a suit, you need to completely redo yourself. Like a makeover or something," Gene shrugs and suddenly, the door shatters like glass into pieces of wood on the ground and an eager Kawaii~Chan storms into the room.
"Oh Irene, no!" I shake my head, "Gene said it, but no, no I don't. I know what you did to Dante and I don't feel like becoming a My Little Horsie a few days before my wedding."
"Aww..." Kawaii~Chan's tail droops. Zane comes up behind Kawaii~Chan when he passes by my room. Everyone has been helping out with the wedding preparations, so we've had a lot of company.
"Hmm? Kawaii~Chan, what's wrong?" Zane asks her.
"Kawaii~Chan is just upset that Zenix~Kun doesn't want to have a My Little Horsie makeover..."
"He... he disrespected the horsies...?" Zane questions, his eyes clouding.
"Oh... I SEE..." Zane gives me a glare, "I think Zenix is just... nervous to ask if he can have a makeover..."
"Really, Zane~Kun?!"
"NO!!!" I yell, then I sigh, "Kawaii~Chan, all I need is a suit."
"A suit?! Oh, Kawaii~Chan always brings extra suits!" Kawaii~Chan smiles, "I'll be right back!" She skips out of the room, leaving Gene and Zane. Zane walks up to me and gets uncomfortably close.
"Uhhh, Z-Zane...?!"
"Don't you EVER disrespect My Little Horsies again. GOT IT?!" Zane scolds. I nod fast out of fear and Zane backs away from me.
"Yeesh, man, calm down," Gene crosses his arms, "That was creepy."
"Well then, I succeeded at what I was trying to do," Zane turns to face the door when he hears footsteps coming.
"Kawaii~Chan has a suit!!!" I hear Kawaii~Chan say from out in the hall. Zane's eyebrows raises up when he sees what Kawaii~Chan is holding, but I can't see it from where I'm sitting on my bed.
"Uhhh, Kawaii~Chan, that's not what he---" Zane stops talking and I can imagine he's making a giddy grin under his mask from the looks of his eyes. "Ah, yes. This is a perfect suit for Zenix!" He turns around to face me. "Why don't we knock you out and then we can surprise you!"
"I-I don't think that's a---"
"I'm on it!" Gene shouts and punches me in the side of the head. I feel myself collapse on my bed and my eyes close slowly.

~Time Skip~

Ugh... my head... what...? What's going on...?
"Okay, we got it on him. Should we bring Kawaii~Chan back in?" I hear Gene ask.
"Of course! I'm glad we remembered to not have her in here while you put it on him." Zane says. I finally open my eyes and see Gene and Zane standing over me. Oh right. Gene knocked me out to put a suit on me... "Look, he's awake. Ick, I still think it was disgusting that you changed him, Gene..."
"Hey, it's no different than the locker room was at school," Gene protests. I groan and sit up.
"What the Nether, Gene! Why did you do that?!" I yell at him. Gene and Zane just both burst out laughing as I get off the bed and stand up. "WHAT'S SO FUNNY?!"
"H-heh, Zenix... that bikini looks good on you..." Zane snickers and I look down at--- OH MY IRENE!!! I-I'm w-wearing... a-a...
"Oh my Irene, Zenix~Kun! That pink bikini looks so kawaii on you!" Kawaii~Chan fangirls, but I just back up against the wall. Wh-wha......?!?!?!?!

"GENE, YOU CHANGED ME?!?!""Hey, I didn't take your underwear off

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"Hey, I didn't take your underwear off. Yeesh, calm down, you said you wanted a suit," Gene rolls his eyes.
"Ohhhh. Kawaii~Chan didn't know that's what kind of suit you meant..." Kawaii~Chan smiles nervously. I don't even know what... I... I...
"It's okay, Kawaii~Chan..." I sigh, "I'll just change out of it..." I pick up my clothes off of my bed and start to walk toward the bathroom, when I hear Zane say,
"At least we know he doesn't cut himself anymore." Heh, yeah... that's because there is a beautiful and smart girl that makes me happy, not angry... and even if I'm going to be in our wedding in Kawaii~Chan's pink bikini... at least I'm getting married to the one I truly love...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Okay, okay... The picture was, yes, drawn by me! I hope you found this chapter humorous and that you liked it! A new chapter will be out soon! OH RIGHT! A new x Reader is coming out tomorrow! It's called Oblivion and it's a Laurence x Reader! So if you're interested in that, check it out when the first chapters are released tomorrow! Thank you so much for reading this chapter, and again, another chapter will be out soon!

Stolen Heart (Zenix x Reader) |Book One| [UNDER REVISION]Where stories live. Discover now