Da New Shrine

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Sasha's POV

Y/N just left Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn, and Aphmau's house. Gene and I are hiding in a bush, prepared to put our plan into action... wait... correction: MY plan!
"She was asking about what guy she should choose," I cackle, "well I will just choose for her!" Gene and I walk up to the front door and knock. Katelyn answers and rolls her eyes when she sees us.
"Ugh, what do YOU guys want?"
"We need to speak with Kawaii~Chan," Gene says calmly. Katelyn shoots us a confused look, but she lets us inside.
"KAWAII~CHAN, GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE!" Katelyn yells. Kawaii~Chan comes out of her room and down the stairs. She smiles,
"Hi Sasha! Hi Gene!"
"Hello, Kawaii~Chan," Gene greets her, "we have a favor to ask of you."
"Mmhm," I agree, "and we want to help you with your ship, D/S/N." Kawaii~Chan's eyes light up and she makes weird fangirling noises.
"YAY! You guys come help Kawaii~Chan with her shipping shrine!" Kawaii~Chan exclaims. Gene, Kawaii~Chan, and I all head into the basement. Katelyn watches us and our little project, which makes me uncomfortable, but I don't think she will do anything. I mean, she doesn't like Y/N anyway...

Looks like Sasha might pull off her plan! The next chapter will come out soon! Thanks for reading!

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