1. The new neighbours

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New story ^^

Sherlock wasn't an ordinary 16 years old boy. He had a chock of dark hair and a pale, thin face. People call him the horrid sociopath that hated everything and everyone. Others thought of him as a cocky, arrogant freak. Everyone in town knew him. They all admired his parents because they were working in the government with a high function. That's the reason why most adults act normally towards Sherlock. Except the children in town. They always made fun of his head, his wild dark curls, his unique features and his thin body. They were calling him names such as freak, faggot and queer. Those words hurts the most. But he doesn't let it show. He just ignores them or spits out a nasty deduction such as their father cheating on their mother.

Sherlock never managed to make one single friend. He used to love and care for people. He loved his family and a dog named Redbeard. But when Redbeard died, Sherlock's world turned upside down. His brother Mycroft advised Sherlock to never let sentiment hinder him. And since then, Sherlock forgot how to feel. He also quietly solved cases he read in newspapers and the internet, waiting for Scotland Yard to figure it out. For Sherlock it took him hours to solve a case. For the Scotland Yard, it took weeks nor months.

"Come on darling." Sherlock's mother said, handing him his lunchbox filled with three cheese sandwiches. Sherlock took it in his hands with a sigh and ducked it inside his rucksack.

"Do I have to go?" He muttered, raising on his feet. Despite the fact that his parents can effort everything. They refused to let him have home teaching. They really hope that someday Sherlock will make a friend somewhere. The best place to make a friend is on school. So letting him study at home, would not help him make a friend.

"Yes Sherlock. Now hurry up or you'll miss the bus. And honey, try to look decent when you return, will you. Our new neighbours will arrive this afternoon."

"Why do you care about them?" He asked, shrugging on his black pea coat.

"'Cause I don't want to go to the courtroom every week for a neighbour quarrel." She sighed, pushing Sherlock into the hallway. "They also have a son of your age." She added.

"And what's your point of that." He frowned, wrapping his dark blue scarf around his pale neck.

"Be nice to him Sherlock. Maybe..."

"No bye." He spat out and turned away, leaving his mother standing alone in the hallway. She sighed desperately and continued with whatever she was doing before. Sherlock made his way over to the bus stop, pulling his long coat tighter around his body. It was so damned windy today and it cut through his clothes. He pulled his coat collar up further around his face and waited on the bus to arrive. He glared at nothing in particular while he was waiting. He sighed, knowing another dull day will come with teens bullying him. He then tugged his phone out of his trousers pocket and he put his earphones in his ears. He turned on the music, so he could protect himself for the offensive words he will get when he step inside the bus.

When Sherlock came back home, he saw a blue van and a large yellow moving truck standing at the house left of his. The moving truck is backing up the driveway so it'll be easier for the neighbours to carry their stuff inside. The front yard was scattered with furniture and boxes. Sherlock then looked away and grabbed his keys and opened the door. Just when he wanted to enter, he heard voices.

He jerked his head sideways, looking back at the house. Outside was a middle-aged man and a woman. There was nothing abnormal about the family. What Sherlock thought to be the father, had messy brown hair and chocolate brown eyes, wearing a costume. The mother had golden blond hair and what appeared to be hazel green eyes.

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