32. Sulking

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John left

Jim pulled back, tracing a finger over his own lips; which were pretty swollen.

"This was lovely." He said smiling broadly, placing a hand on Sherlock's waist. Sherlock pushed his hand away, groaning.

"Hope you're happy now." Sherlock snapped, and walked past both of them, knowing that they were done here. They won't hurt him now, because they knew that he was deeply hurt inside. Sebastian wanted to grab Sherlock's arm but Jim gave him a look, meaning he needed to let him go. Sebastian just rolled with his eyes, feeling annoyed that he couldn't hurt someone physically today.

Sherlock began searching John so he could explain the situation. He was afraid that John didn't want to see him after what happened. Sherlock ran a hand through his dark curls, letting his piercing blue eyes close as a tear slide down his cheek. He was rushing through the hallways for ten minutes now, and he still didn't find John. He sighed sadly, planning to go back to his locker so he could grab his math workbook because he had homework to do, since he skipped a couple lessons.

Sherlock stopped in his tracks as his eyes flickered to a princess crown broken in two. It was laying on a plastic bench inside the hallway. Sherlock's heart clenched. The crown that he would wear especially for John friday. John made him promise to wear it. And he broke it? Why did he broke it? Sherlock sighed sadly and lingered to the bench and slowly picked up the crown. He felt like someone stabbed him in the heart. He was doing his hardest best not to break down. He blinked hard as he placed the crown against his chest, lips shivering. Sherlock then slowly lifted his head to look outside. His heart accelerated as he saw John sitting motionless on the ground in a corner of the playground. Sherlock swallowed and began walking outside. He approached John cautiously. Sherlock could see that John had been crying, and the sight broke his heart even more. Sherlock squatted down in front of him and placed the crown pieces on John's lap. The young doctor startled a bit and looked up at Sherlock briefly without any emotion and looked back at his lap.

"Leave me alone." John muttered. Sherlock whimpered quietly as his eyes looked through his eyelashes to John.

"John don't do this please." He pleaded with a croaked voice.

"I can't believe you just did this in front of me." John said softly.

"John, you know that I didn't want this. He blackmailed me. Sebastian wanted to hurt you." Sherlock said with a mournful voice, placing a hand on John's shoulder. But John simply shrugged his hand away.

"Sherlock stop." He mumbled, wiping away a tear.

"John." Sherlock said his hand reaching out again, placing it on John's knee. This time John didn't react on it.

"I still love you." John whispered, his gaze fixed on Sherlock's hand. Sherlock smiled softly at that. "I just need time..." John trailed off. Sherlock's smile of hope dropped and he knitted his eyebrows together. He didn't understand the point of this.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because if I look at you, I see Jim clinging on you." John pointed out, lifting his head so he could stare at his princess.

"This was his plan. John please, you can't do this to me." Sherlock sighed, tears streaming down his face.

"Sherlock please." He said, another tear sliding down his cheek, falling down onto his jeans. Sherlock placed his head in his hands for a moment, trying to control his emotions. He then sighed and nodded stiffly. He reluctantly rose up.

"Don't let me wait too long. I can't live without you, John." He said hesitantly. John didn't reply, he just looked away. Sherlock sighed once again, sniffing and began walking away. When he entered the hallway and wheeled a corner. He lost his control of his emotions. He crashed down to his knees, crying hard and letting his sobs fill the hallway. He knew how pathetic he sounded, but he didn't care. Jim won again. Jim will always win. And there is nothing he can do about it. John said that he needed time. That means that he'll return right? Sherlock hoped that John would understand the situation. He sort of saved his life, did this to protect him. Why couldn't he understand this. Sherlock wouldn't know what to do without John. He was hugging his knees to his chest.

He was alone again.

A couple minutes later Sherlock felt his pocket vibrating. He hoped that it was his John, even though he knew it wouldn't be him. He tugged the phone swiftly out of his pocket and growled as it was Mycroft.

Come home brother -MH

Sherlock sighed. Maybe he was right. Sherlock replied asking Mycroft if he wanted to ask Greg that he would look after John. Even though Sherlock was sure that Jim would leave both of them alone now.

Sherlock walked home, his head hanging low. Of course it started raining after days of beautiful weather. How typical Sherlock though with a groan. The rain poured down on him, instantly soaking his hair and coat. Sherlock could feel himself trembling from the cold and lifted his arms so he could turn up his collar. The rain chilled him to the bone. His piercing blue eyes were still filled with tears, making it hard for him to see, causing him to stumble over a broke tile. He ended face down on the ground, his soaked coat covered in mud now. Sherlock cursed himself and pushed himself up. This day couldn't be worser.

After a painful walk home, he opened the front door and closed the door behind him. He just stood there for a moment, dripping wet. He was soaked. Drops mixed with tears falling down onto the floor. Sherlock wrapped his arms around himself, shivering from the cold. Mrs Hudson peeked inside the hallway as she heard the door closed. She was aware of the situation between the two. Screw Mycroft. Sherlock didn't know how his brother kept doing this.

"Oh Sherlock." She said concerned. "Stay there." She demanded and disappeared swiftly. Sherlock obeyed her, he didn't move an inch. She returned with a towel and a blanket. Sherlock remained motionless at the door while Mrs Hudson was taking of his coat and dried his hair with the towel. She then wrapped him in the woollen blanket, rubbing over his arms furiously, trying to warm him up.

"Let's go to the living room. I'll make you a cuppa." She insisted. Sherlock nodded and followed her inside and settled himself down in an armchair. He sighed, thinking about John. He wondered what he would do right now. The lunch break started five minutes ago, and both boys always share the lunch break together. Would he sit alone, sulking? Or would he have fun with some friends? Sherlock's thoughts were disturbed by Mrs Hudson. She handed him the tea and he accepted it with appreciation. What would he do without her...

"Now tell me what happened." She said warmly and sat herself down into the sofa, close to Sherlock. Mycroft didn't explain what exactly had happened. He only informed her about Jim's return and about Sherlock and John having a fight. Sherlock began explaining everything while weeping softly. Mrs Hudson her eyes were watery. Seeing Sherlock so broken was breaking her inside. Sherlock means a lot for her, like her own son. Sherlock hated that he had to cry the whole time, it was frustrating.

"You did the right thing dear." She said in reassuring, blinking away tears that were forming in her eyes.

"Then why is he acting like this?" Sherlock muttered.

"You have to understand his side as well dear. First, being in a relationship means that you share everything. And definitely birthdays. John saw you kissing someone else. You kissed him back, Sherlock. That's painful for him. He knows that you did it to protect him. Just give him time, he'll come back dear." She assured softly. Sherlock sighed, nodding.

"What about Jim? Once John wants to see me again, he'll do everything to tear us apart again."

"I'll do my best to get Moriarty out of your life." Mycroft said, interrupting their conversation as he took his car keys from the table near the television. "And Greg will bring John home with the car." He added, clearing his throat afterwards.

"Thank you." Sherlock stuttered. Mycroft his eyes widened. Sherlock never said thank you before. He sneaked a soft smile and replied.

"Welcome." He said and wandered away.

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