38. Basement

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Above is a video I made about our boys. Maybe you like to see it after this chapter ^^

Enjoy xx


When the school bell rang. Sherlock and John said their goodbye's. Sherlock still stood at his locker, tugging his phone out of his trousers pocket. He was planning to phone his brother Mycroft, asking him if he knew more about the Jim situation. Because Mycroft recently told him that he'd take care of the situation. But somehow his brother didn't take the call. Sherlock thought it was weird. He always takes phone calls and definitely from Sherlock. He groaned, starting to walk to his class when suddenly his phone buzzed. He smiled slightly. John or Mycroft. But it was from an unknown person. He frowned and started reading the text.

Come to the basement of the concierge.

There was no name in the message. But Sherlock knew exactly who it was. Of course it was him, pretty obvious. He sighed, running a hand through his curly hair. He didn't know what to do. He didn't want to go, but he didn't want to refuse either. They will hurt John if he doesn't go. That's Sherlock's theory but he knew it was true. He sighed once again and started walking to the basement. He wheeled a corner, spotting Sebastian leaning against the door that leaded to the basement. Sebastian smirked when he noticed Sherlock.

"Surprised that you came." He said grinning, standing upright.

"What do you want." Sherlock asked coldly, walking over to where Sebastian was standing.

"Ooh I want nothing Holmes." He said sneering. "Better go inside." He added, swivelling around and opened the door. Sherlock reluctantly followed him inside. He descended the stairs but stopped in his tracks as Sebastian locked the door behind him. He looked over his shoulder, making eye contact with Sebastian. He cocked an eyebrow at Sherlock. "Walk." He demanded, ready to push Sherlock forwards. Sherlock looked away, swallowing and continued walking downstairs. He looked at his surroundings. It was a small room but pretty clean for a basement. There was a sofa with a television, a small kitchen, a table and work material for the concierge. It was dark. The ground and wall were pure concrete without any layer painting on it. Jim sat at the wooden table, his hands folded, sitting there with a blank face. Sherlock knew his expression was set up.

"Sit down Sherlock." He said timidly, not looking up. Sherlock obeyed and sat down in front of Jim.

"So this is it? You'll lock me up for the rest of my life, let me starve to dead?" Sherlock asked coldly.

"I don't want you dead." Jim said calmly.

"Then what do you want from me!" Sherlock spat out with confusion, slamming the table with both his fists. He's so sick of this situation. Jim looked up at Sebastian who was standing behind Sherlock and nodded to him. Sebastian smirked and walked away to a cabinet, grabbing something. Jim leaned more forwards, mouth twitched up into a small smile which went unnoticed by Sherlock. "You're me." He whispered harshly. Sherlock snorted.

"I am not you." He retorted. "And I will never be." At this Sebastian returned with handcuffs and began handcuffing Sherlock's hands and ankles to the chair. Sherlock was fighting against it but Sebastian was too strong. And Sherlock... to weak.

"Oh Sherlock. What did I tell you? Leave John alone." He said nonchalantly, smiling meanly.

"I never agreed." He hissed between clenched teeth.

"You don't have to agree anything. I demanded you to leave him alone." Jim pointed out.

"Why are you doing this. Why do you hate me this much."

"I don't hate you." Jim said, getting up and walked nonchalantly over to Sherlock, trailing a finger across his shoulder.

"Then w-"

"I think you are a very attractive man." Jim whispered in his ear. "Let's get going Seb. We can't be late." He insisted, patting Sherlock's shoulder and wandered to the stairs.

"You can't leave me here." Sherlock said frustrated, craning his neck to look at the two.

"I think I can. But don't worry; I'll be back soon." Jim said winking, grabbing his satchel, handing it to Seb and began ascending the stairs.

"Don't scream or you'll never see your Johnny boy again." Sebastian assured, licking his bottom lip. Sherlock's mouth dropped open. Jim and Sebastian left. Why didn't he just walk to John's class to be sure he was safe. Everything would be fine now. But no stubborn Sherlock had to come here. Sherlock didn't know what to do. There was no way he could escape. He was dealing with Jim. Jim Moriarty. He won't make mistakes. Sherlock sighed, looking over at the clock. It's 1:34 PM. John will be standing at his door in less than five hours. He needed to escape...

But that didn't happen.

At 4 o'clock when school finished Jim returned. Sherlock looked down at his lap as Jim was slowly approaching him.

"Hello love." Jim greeted 'warmly' and sat down, sipping from his lemonade.

"I need to pee. Let me out." Sherlock muttered.

"I have a portable urinal. I'll help you with pleasure." Jim said with a playful smirk on his lips.

"I prefer to pee myself than you touching me." Sherlock replied firmly.

"Okay. What you wish." He said with a high pitched voice, shrugging. He placed the cup onto the table with a sigh.

"Do you love me?" Sherlock asked simply. One of Jim's eyebrows rose up. He then sat upright, leaning more forwards.

"I love your mind, your body. You're perfect." He whispered, flirtatiously. Sherlock cringed from the tone in his voice. It scared him to death.

"Weird way to show it." Sherlock spat.

"Redbeard was in the way. Now John is."

"You're sick."

"We both are."

"I don't love you. Don't you have enough with Sebastian?"

"We don't love each other. We're just using each other for sex my dear Holmes." He informed.

"He loves you. You saying all those stuff to me is breaking him. I thought you said we were the same. Another proof. I observe. You don't."

"He loves me?" Jim asked, a little surprised to hear this.

"Yes." Sherlock grunted, rolling with eyes.

"Hmm okay." Jim said raising up. He took his phone is his hand, dialling Sebastian. "Yes Sebastian. I need you to come here immediately." He chuckled. "Yes sort of. Hurry up will you."

Three minutes later Sebastian entered the place, breathlessly.

"Something going on with the freak?" He asked, leaning on the wall for a moment.

"I'm aroused." Jim said simply. Sherlock's eyes widened.

"For god's sake don't tell m-"

"Hush Sherlock. Sebastian do you love me?"

"What?" Seb asked confused.

"Answer me."

"Do we have to do this now? I mean that thing is here." He said, pointing to Sherlock.

"Answer me." Jim repeated, impatient.

"Maybe yes." He muttered.

"That's all I need to know." He smirked. "Come here."

Ok sorry; I have to leave it here. Rip my inspiration... I'm sorry; This chapter isn't really detailed. I struggled two days with this chapter x_x

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