12. Friendship or love?

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Sherlock and John were still sitting in the hammock. The sun was hiding behind the clouds, and stars were reflexing in both boys their eyes. The hammock was lightly swaying. They were talking about several things. Sherlock told John more about what happened with Redbeard. He didn't say everything. Because he didn't want tears to escape his eyes in front of John. Afterwards He asked John more about his sister. He was curious about what the boss his reaction was when he caught the two lesbians in the office.

"So Sherlock." John started after five minutes silence. John was looking at Sherlock with a smile. "Am I allowed to sit next to you on the bus?" He asked with flushed cheeks.

"I guess so." Sherlock shrugged, acting like he didn't care. But his eyes betrayed him. They were twinkling with joy. John pursed his lips together and nudged Sherlock playfully backwards, causing Sherlock to almost fall out of the hammock. Out of reflex he clutched his hand onto John's knee so he wouldn't fall.

"You're an idiot." John grinned, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Yes, I know." Sherlock replied fondly and snapped his head towards the house. Mrs Hudson was opening the door and made her way to them. She had a tray with tea in her hands and some American cookies. When she approached the two she handed Sherlock the tray and walked to the corner of the garden so she could drag a little table for the tea and cookies. Because sitting in a hammock with tea and cookies isn't really handy nor comfortable. When everything was settled Sherlock and John thanked her. She nodded, and trotted away, extremely happy about this.

They both ate and drank the tea in silence, enjoying each other's company. Sherlock couldn't stop flickering his eyes towards the older boy. When John suddenly caught Sherlock staring, Sherlock immediately looked away, blushing. When they finished drinking and eating, they didn't speak much. Sometimes they said a random thing or a random question.

It was 9pm, owls could be heard, the wind making whistling noises. Sherlock felt comfortable and content with John here. He sometimes nearly ended up falling asleep, lulled by the gentle rocking. But when he did, he snapped his head up, shaking the sleep away.

When he saw John fighting to keep awake, shivering from the cold, he looked down at his brown blanked that was laying on his lap, frowning he looked back at John. Handing John a blanket is a nice thing to do right? He thought to himself. He then smiled, and cautiously laid the blanket over John's shoulders, causing John to open his eyes. John blinked a couple times, probably forgetting that he was still present here. He then looked up, smiling, blushing.

"Thank you." He said quietly, wrapping himself tightly into the blanket.

"You're welcome." Sherlock replied fondly.

"It's cold Sherlock, don't you-"

"No I'm fine." He said, interrupting John. John rolled with his eyes, scanning Sherlock, observing the Goosebumps that were covering his skin. John then pursed his lips together, cocking an eyebrow.

"Yea right." John said, scooting closer, so they were sitting side by side, shoulders touching. John managed to wrap both inside the blanket. Sherlock's heart was beating incredibly fast, he frowned, not knowing why his heart was acting like this. John looked up, noticing Sherlock's confused expression.

"Sherlock, is this making you uncomfortable?" He asked gently.

"No no." Sherlock said, stuttering. "It's fine." He said, sending John a real smile which John returned immediately.

"Good." He said and looked away, looking up at the stars that were lingering at the clouds. Sherlock heard John sigh heavenly. He hoped that it was a positive sigh.

Time seemed to fly by. It was 22pm already, and both boys were still sitting in the hammock. Both refused to say goodbye. After thirty minutes John's head was resting on Sherlock's shoulder, slowly falling asleep. Sherlock looked down, curious about what caused the heaviness on his shoulder. John was curled against his side, hands sandwiched between his own thighs for warmth and his head was resting comfortably on Sherlock's shoulder. Sherlock smiled softly. John's body was warm and solid against him and just looking at John made him sleepier. John was going to be the death of him. He watched him as he slept. His chest rising and falling with each breath. Sherlock was trying to keep the blush from rising to his cheeks. Sherlock then reluctantly looked up, and saw Mrs Hudson peeking outside. Her mouth covered with both her hands. Sherlock knew she was giggling right now. He snorted softly and looked away.

"John Hamish Watson!" A voice yelled from the other side of the edge. Obviously his mother. John jolted awake, frowning slightly. "Home now!" His mom added. John yawned, not bothering to reply.

"Did I fall asleep?" He asked with another yawn. Sherlock nodded.

"Obviously." He said with a chuckle, getting on his feet. And reached out his hand, helping John upright. John took his hand and got up and let go of Sherlock's hand. John stretched his arms before they wandered inside the house where they were greeted by Mrs Hudson.

"Oh John, thank you for coming." She said friendly, pulling John for a hug. John felt slightly uncomfortable. But he shrugged it away, he knew that she was a nice woman. "I hope to see you back." She said sweetly as she was pulling back. Sherlock rolled his eyes, but indeed. He wished the same.

"I definitely will." John said to Mrs Hudson, but looked into Sherlock's eyes while speaking. "Well. Thank you for the cookies and tea. It was lovely." He said. "See you tomorrow Sherlock?" John asked.

"Jep." He replied.

"Okay, bye." John said, and walked away.

After ten minutes answering questions from an overenthusiastic Mrs Hudson. He could finally go to sleep. He walked up to the stairs, with a smile plastered on his pale face. When he entered he sighed contently and changed into his pajamas. Having a friend was the best feeling he ever felt. Even though he didn't know it would feel this good. The tickles inside his tummy, the urge to be close with John, blushing the whole time? Sherlock didn't know what to think of it.

Is it more than friendship?


Think Sherlock think. eheh, thank you for reading so far xx

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