19. Watson&Holmes

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Sherlock sauntered back to his room. When he entered, he blushed a deep red from his neck to the tip of his ruffled curly hair. John stood upright, stretching his arms and he still wasn't wearing his trousers. Sherlock swallowed, looked away and spoke up.

"John did you speak with Mrs Hudson?" He asked timidly, making the bed and searched for his phone while he was waiting on a reply from John. After Sherlock finished both things he looked up at John who still didn't reply. He frowned. "John?" He asked, approaching John cautiously.

"Oh sorry. Um yea we did speak for a moment this morning." John said as a blush was booming over his entire face, starting to pick up his stuff. He wasn't planning to leave, just a distraction I guess.

"About what?" Sherlock asked curiously. John cleared his throat, kneeling down to grab his trousers and put it on.

"Weather stuff." John muttered, zipping his trousers closed.

"You spoke about the weather..." Sherlock said disbelievingly, cocking an eyebrow.

"Yea and she asked me if I'm doing well on school. You know..." John trailed off and glared at Sherlock, flashing a smile. Sherlock scanned John suspiciously but he then nodded.

"Let's go downstairs." Sherlock insisted and emerged the room, John following behind. They descended the stairs, entering the living room. Mrs Hudson peeked out of the kitchen to look at both boys, grinning broadly.

"Good morning." She said motherly.

"Morning." Both said in unison.

"You two go outside, it will be twenty-nine degrees in the afternoon. I'll bring you a cup of tea and make something to eat." She said kindly, waving a hand into the direction of the back-garden.

"You'll go already. I'll be back in two minutes." John said hastily, starting to make his way to the front door.

"Where you going?" Sherlock questioned.

"I slept in these clothes. I stink." John informed, sniffing at his t-shirt. Sherlock rolled with his eyes, his lips curving up into an amusing smile.

"Well hurry up." He said waving John away with air, John chuckled softly.

"I will." John assured, his eyes sparkling and he then turned around, emerging the house. Sherlock sighed turning around, wandering to the backyard, ignoring Mrs Hudson her giggling in the background. Sherlock slide the glass door open and collapsed into his hammock. The sun was shining high in its place in the pale blue sky, birds chirping. Sherlock sighed contently, laying himself down, hands crossed behind his head. Three minutes later John returned.

"You aren't falling asleep again are you?" An amused John Watson said, approaching the hammock with two cups of tea in his hands, which Mrs Hudson handed him before. Sherlock smiled, sitting upright.

"I wouldn't dare." Sherlock smirked, wiping away the fresh sweat from his pale forehead. It's really hot outside. John handed Sherlock the cuppa, Sherlock's fingers closed around the cup, brushing his fingers against John's. John froze immediately. Sherlock frowned, looking at the pale man in front of him. "John?" He inquired softly. John then shook his head, smiling his thoughts away.

"Sorry." He cleared his throat and sat himself down. Both boys sat at the end of the hammock. Sherlock left, John right. Bodies turned, so they were facing each other, legs in the hammock. Sherlock didn't like the distance. Normally they would sit side by side. John pinched his nose, sipping his tea. "So what did you think about the movie?" John asked. Sherlock licked the tea away that lingered on his lips.

"Shockingly good actually." Sherlock said, looking at John who was beaming now.

"I'm really glad you liked it." John said smiling brightly.

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