13. Lunch date?

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Sherlock got awoken by a knock on his door. He growled, not wanting to go to school today. He had a test today which he totally forgot. But he then suddenly leapt out of bed as he realized that he will see John today. He's still not used to the idea of having a friend. He'd sit in school for years without going home, as long as John would be there. Sherlock opened his wardrobe and grabbed fresh clothes and entered the bathroom, taking a quick shower. Today he took more care of his appearance. Before emerging the bathroom, he smiled at himself and ruffled his hair.

After he finished he wandered downstairs, groaning at the sight of his older brother sitting at the table. He sat down, ignoring his brother completely. Mycroft cleared his throat glaring at Sherlock for a while before he spoke up.

"Good morning brother dear." He said, nonchalantly taking his cup with coffee and took a sip of it. Sherlock simply ignored him. He took a sandwich and started smearing it with Mrs Hudson her jam. "Is it ignore Mycroft day?" Mycroft asked after a minute, annoyed by his younger brother. 

"It's always ignore Mycroft day." Sherlock said sharply, giving a dead look.

"Very funny." Mycroft said with a fake smile. Sherlock returned the fake smile and continued eating. "I see you are listening to my advice very well." He said sarcastic. Sherlock scoffed not replying. "Sherlock." He started but got cut off by Sherlock.

"Shut up Mycroft." He snapped. "I don't need your advice."

"I've warned you." Mycroft said and wiped his mouth with a tissue. He then got up with his cuppa in his hand and walked away. Sherlock grinned and continued eating. No way that Mycroft will ruin it again. When he finished he glanced at his watch and noticed that it's time for school. He walked to the hallway and shrugged on his coat and wrapped his deep blue scarf around his neck. He then opened the door and peeked outside, looking if John was already at the bus stop. He wasn't, so Sherlock decided to wait in the hallway until John came out. After waiting seven minutes, Sherlock looked at his watch again. He'll miss the bus if he doesn't leave now. He sighed, hoping John wasn't going to be sick today. Just when Sherlock wanted to leave he saw John rushing outside his house. He jerked his head up into Sherlock's direction and smiled.

"There you are!" He said enthusiastic and started to walk fast, Sherlock following at his side. Both pacing so they won't miss the bus. Sherlock grinned slightly, looking him directly in the eye. He couldn't help the smile from spreading across his face, couldn't help his eyes from brightening when he saw John.

"You're late." Sherlock remarked, not removing his eyes from John's. He was frowning briefly before he tipped his head up towards Sherlock, blushing slightly.

"I was waiting on you to come outside." John said, rather shyly

"Really?" Sherlock asked surprised. John had been waiting on him, just like Sherlock on John. How sweet.

"Yea." John said.

"Well, I was waiting on you as well." Sherlock admitted.

"Oh god." John chuckled. "If we're planning to do that again. Let's wait outside." He said. Sherlock nodded and looked briefly away from John, seeing the bus in the distance. They hurried along the sidewalk, in an attempt to catch the bus, because the bus was wheeling the corning right now. Just when they approached the bus stop, the bus rolled to a stop in front of them.

The doors opened with a hiss and they went inside and walked down the aisle. Like usual John was greeted by a couple people. At the back of the bus someone was waving at him, meaning that John need to sit beside that person. Sherlock noticed this and stopped, swivelling around to gaze at John.

"John, I know you told me that you'd like to sit beside me on the bus. But Jentel wants you to-"

"I don't care Sherlock." John said, cutting him off and pushed Sherlock forwards to an empty seat in the middle of the bus. Sherlock rolled with his eyes and sat down. John sat beside him and they both heard people gasp. But somehow they didn't ask questions to John about why he sat next to the 'freak'.

Sherlock was trying to ignore the fluttering feeling he got in his stomach when his side was pressed against John's. They didn't talk, they just sat in silence next to each other, enjoying each other's company. Suddenly after five minutes John spoke up, causing Sherlock to jolt his face upright.

"My mom gave me a lot money for lunch. No idea why. So I was planning to go to Tony's. It's a place where you can eat burgers or sandwiches. Would you like to come? It's only two minutes away from School." John asked. Sherlock nodded, even though he had plans already. (After a new book.) He preferred to be with John. He blushed a bit when he saw the way John was looking at him. The smile that appeared on John's smile when he agreed. "Great." John said and looked away. Sherlock smiled widely and also looked away from the young doctor and glanced outside.

When the bus pulled up on the school parking, both boys stepped out, making their way to the lockers. Sherlock grabbed his book and was leafing through it. Searching the chapter for the test. Sherlock heard John chuckle at his side.

"Someone didn't study." He laughed, closing his locker and leaned against it with his back. A lazy yaw escaped his lips.

"I don't have to." Sherlock said, briefly looking away from the book.

"You're lucky. I wish I had a brain like yours." John muttered. Sherlock raised a perfect eyebrow, looking somewhat amused.

"Why would you want my brain? It's useless and pathetic." He pointed out.

"You're smart, intelligent and a big genius. Wish I could deduce someone's life story in five seconds. It would make my life easier." John said. Sherlock cleared his throat and rubbed the warmth in his cheeks, wanting it to go away. He shouldn't be so affected by a simple compliment.

"You're overreacting John." Sherlock chuckled. "And why would it make your life easier. You see. People bully me for it."

"They're just idiots. And I don't know. What if I'm too late in class and the teachers tell me that I have detention. But then I can deduce something privately about the teacher. Like that she had been cheating on her husband. Wouldn't it be a good thing to-"

"Jesus John. I think I'm having a bad influence on you." Sherlock interrupted. John just laughed, pushing Sherlock in the side, playfully.

"Did you finish your book?" He then asked.

"Yes." Sherlock replied calmly.

"How was it?"

"I guess it was good, quite dull since I've heard the storyline plenty times. But I enjoyed it a bit. My favourite part was when they stormed inside and took the family away." Sherlock said. John snorted, rolling with his eyes.

"That's mean." He laughed.

"I'm just being honest. Can't lie to my friend right?" Sherlock asked cocking his eyebrows.

"No. you can't." John smiled.

After five minutes the bell rang and both boys said good bye. "Meet me here for lunch." John said. Sherlock nodded. "Can't wait." John added before walking away.

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