16. Lucky day

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The promo picture from the new season for in case you didn't see it yet. 😍

The rest of the day, class seemed to go quicker than expected. When the bell rang Sherlock leaped out of his chair and hurried himself to the bus, trying to be one of the first so he could sit in front. He didn't want to sit close to the big bullies. So when he stepped inside, immediately his eyes were scanning the seats. He was happy to see some unoccupied seats in the front.

He sat himself down and began searching for his headphones, so he wouldn't hear the bullies. He groaned as he couldn't find them. He then rested his head against the window, preparing on the worst. But to Sherlock's surprise the bullies didn't come to him. It was odd, not being bullied when he was alone. A small smile was lingering on his lips. It's indeed his lucky day.

When he arrived home, the first thing he did was calling Mrs Hudson.

"Yes dear?" She yelled back. Sherlock followed her voice and saw her doing the dishes. He grabbed a towel that hung onto one of the cabinets and started drying the dishes. Mrs Hudson was protesting, but he continued anyway.

"Is it okay if John comes tonight? We want to watch a movie." He asked her kindly. She squealed quietly, biting on her bottom lip, as in trying not to squeal for the whole neighbourhood.

"Of course." She said with a wide smile, her voice enthusiastic.  "How late will he come?" She asked, laying the last washed dish onto the counter.

"I'm not sure. He said after dinner." Sherlock shrugged. "I should clean my room." He muttered. Mrs Hudson her eyes widened.

"You'll watch it in your room?" She blurted out, giggling when she finished her sentence.

"Yes. Is that wrong?" Sherlock asked confused.

"Oh no. Of course not." She chuckled. "But I will do your room, young man. It's a disaster." She pointed out.

"Thank you." He said, with a smile that means that he really appreciated the woman. She smiled warmly at him, and dried her hands.

"I should start then. Or I won't be done before John arrives." She laughed.

"It's not that bad!" Sherlock defended.

"Sure." She smiled and trotted away, starting to clean Sherlock's room. Sherlock rolled his eyes and emerged the kitchen as well. He decided to take a quick shower. He washed his hair with his father's shampoo what smelled like a field with million flowers. Sherlock isn't allowed to use his father's products, because it's expensive. With expensive I mean that it had the same price like a car. It's ridiculous that his father spend so much money on this. And his perfume cost a fortune. Sherlock shrugged with a grin. He then quickly rinsed his hair. When the shampoo was rinsed out of his hair he stepped out of the shower. He wrapped a towel around his waist, grabbed a smaller towel and began drying his hair with frantic, rough movements. When he was done his eyes widened at his hair. His dark hair stuck up in every direction. He growled.

"Mrs Hudson!" He yelled. Ten seconds later she peered inside the bathroom.

"Yes dear?"

"Can you fix my hair?" He pleaded, looking once again at his reflection.

"Sure." She chuckled. "Get yourself dressed, I'll look at it afterwards." He nodded and followed her to his room where she still was cleaning. He grabbed fresh clothes and entered the bathroom again. After he fully got dressed he hollered Mrs Hudson again. She entered, smelling Sherlock's father's scent.

"Sherlock you know you can't touch your father his products." She said, slightly on a warning tone. He hummed as reply. "But everything for a date right?" She asked sweetly. Sherlock choked, frowning at her.

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