24. Redbeard

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John laid his hand on Sherlock's thigh and his other on his arm, showing Sherlock that he's here for him no matter what happens.

"What happened?" John asked in a whisper. Sherlock swallowed, locking his watery eyes with John's before he glared back at his lap.

"He made my life miserable. Always. People disliked me since I exist. But they never hurt me like they do now. They avoided me or laughed with me a couple times but that was it. Then one day Jim moved in town and got on our school. I stood at my locker taking my material for the coming lessons when suddenly someone pushed me roughly against the locker. It wasn't Jim who slammed me to the lockers. Jim stood at some guy his side, sneering at me. The first thing that he said to me was. 'I love you but I hate you' and he then walked away nonchalantly. It was confusing. Since then everyone started hurting me. I got beaten up, people stole my stuff, locked me in a room. Jim get rid of everything I care about or people who talk to me without hurting me. When I sat in the library with a girl from my class for a project. She afterwards ended up in the hospital. Same happened with a boy that needed my help for a task."

"Did you two ever talk?" John wondered.

"Not really." Sherlock cleared his throat. "Then I uhh." Sherlock hesitated, trying to blink away his tears that were filling his eyes, what failed. John leaned closer, wiping them away with his thumbs, waiting on Sherlock to continue. "I went to the park on a Sunday afternoon with Redbeard. Remember I told you that I liked playing with Redbeard and his favourite ball?" Sherlock asked quietly. John nodded stiffly. "Well, that's what we did that day. I took a break so I could eat melon ice cream. I sat on the edge of the slide, licking at my ice-cream. Redbeard did the same. I always bought another ice cream in a bowl for Redbeard with cookies. He was laying in the sand enjoying it just like I did. Until we got company from Jim and his friend. I don't know his name but it was Jim's little slave. Even though Jim was a kid, he was a king for others. Jim knew how much I loved Redbeard. He told me Redbeard was ruining his life. His friend was standing at Redbeard while Jim got closer to me. He grabbed my ice cream and throw it away, and pushed me backwards on the slide, my head slamming painfully against the metal; Redbeard was showing his teeth, seeing that Jim was 'attacking' me." Sherlock paused, taking a deep breath. John saw that he was struggling to continue. He was making circle movements with his thumb on his thigh. "Everything happened fast after that." Sherlock said his voice croaking. His tears were flowing down his cheeks.

"Oh god." John said under his breath.

"They killed him John." Sherlock yelled in a whisper, sobbing. He started to lose control of his emotions. John couldn't watch Sherlock like this, it broke his heart. He pulled him close for a hug, not caring what others thought. "Redbeard was looking at me while Jim's friend was stabbing him, asking me for help. He didn't fight back, he just stared in my eyes. I was screaming, trying to get away from Jim what succeeded after a while. But it was too late." John felt Sherlock holding him tighter. "He died in my arms." He said quietly. "Jim doesn't see the difference between an animal and a human. I don't want this to happen with you John." Sherlock said. John pulled away, he face plastered with concern. He didn't know how to react on the last part. He sighed sadly.

"Where is Jim now?" He asked, taking both Sherlock's hands in his.

"I didn't see him for two years. I have no idea where he is. But I am sure when someone knows about us, that he will be the first person to receive a text about it." Sherlock pointed out, sniffing his nose. "Please stay away from him." Sherlock pleaded.

"Oh my god." Someone behind them yelled, jumping upright and pointed a finger to Sherlock. "Freak is crying!" She cried out while laughing. Everyone on the bus turned their heads to look at Sherlock, John gasped in disbelief. He growled and stood up, facing the girl with anger.

"Are you sick?" John yelled, the girl her eyes widened. "Yes he is crying, good observation really, you should be proud of yourself." He paused, trying to calm himself down. "Do you like it eh? Hurting people. You won't get far in your life. Jesus, you are a pathetic little girl. God, I pity you. Fucking leave Sherlock alone because he never did something wrong to you. I didn't know crying was a crime. Christ." With that John plunked himself down again, hearing people murmuring. The girl was left in shock, pale like ice. John looked over at Sherlock, who was staring at him, wide-eyed. "What?" John asked, regretting his tone immediately.

"Nothing... It's just." Sherlock looked away. "Nobody ever stood up for me like that." He muttered. John smiled softly, scooting closer and held Sherlock close for the rest of the drive. No words needed to be spoken. They knew how much they loved each other.

When they arrived at school, they slowly got up and sauntered to their lockers. John was looking forwards, bothered by the behaviour of some people. Sherlock couldn't stop looking at John while walking at his side. He smiled down at him, feeling sad but happy at the same time. As he looked at John it made his stomach flutter with butterflies. He looked down searching for John's hand and swirled his little finger around John's, causing John to snap his head up. A blush formed across both their faces. John smiled softly which Sherlock returned. Sherlock then slide his hand into John's so their hands were fully entwined.

"Look." Both heard someone whisper behind them, but they didn't care. It was John and Sherlock against the rest of the world. Sherlock was still afraid to lose John, but hiding John for the rest of his life isn't an option.

They approached the lockers and let go of each other's hands. They both took their material and closed the lockers.

"Thank you for telling me." John said softly, leaning with his back against the locker. Sherlock shrugged a bit. "And thank you for... You know." John hesitated, taking Sherlock's hand in his, playing with Sherlock his long fingers. The corner of Sherlock's lips turned upwards, stepping closer to John.

"You shouldn't thank me John. I am the only one here who needs to thank. You saved me, I would be nothing without you. You make me human again and I can keep repeating thank you but that's not enough. I uh." Sherlock looked down, shyly shifting with his foot. "I love you." Sherlock said quietly, feeling embarrassed that he just said this aloud, while they are just dating. After a couple seconds silence he looked up, curious why John didn't reply yet. John looked at Sherlock with wide eyes, his mouth slightly open. "Sorry." Sherlock sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, uncomfortable. John licked his bottom lip and looked around, scanning the hallway to see if many people were around them. Sherlock was frowning down at him. "I understand if you-"

"Christ Sherlock, I love you too idiot." John said as he took Sherlock's collar and pulled him swiftly to him so he could capture Sherlock's lips with his.

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