22. Sherlock vs Chihuahua

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The next day.

After entering the store, Sherlock and his mother took a look around it. After being in the store for thirty minutes they found what they needed. A duo hammock in Sherlock's hand and his mother was walking with a shopping cart with small objects, like a new desk lamp.

Standing in a queue at the checkout from the store, Sherlock observed his surroundings; He narrowed his eyes at someone who passed them, leaving the store without buying something. Sherlock was sure that the person stole something. It was obvious, sweating, flickering his eyes nervously to the employees.

"Sherlock?" His mother suddenly said, breaking his thoughts. Sherlock looked at her with a dull expression. "Would you like a box of these?" She pointed to a rack with different kinds of condoms. Sherlock choked, his jaw dropping.

"For god's sake mom no." He whispered harshly, looking behind him to a woman who was chuckling softly. He blushed furiously. Of course the store had to put condoms in a queue where other people can see you.

"Why not honey? Better use protection." She pointed out, taking a blue box in her hands, examining it.

"Mom I don't need it. Put that away." He whispered again, looking awkwardly around.

"That's what my son said. He became a dad two weeks ago." The woman behind them said.

"Oh congratulations." Sherlock's mother said cheerfully. "I better take one of these then." She said winking and placed the box in the cart. Sherlock rubbed his face with his hands.

"Didn't know a male can get pregnant." Sherlock muttered, sighing with irritation.

Sherlock and Violet emerged the store and crossed the street to the car, Sherlock squeezing his eyes shut as the sun shone brightly in his eyes. When they approached the car, his mother unlocked it and threw the bags on the back seat. Sherlock placed the new hammock into the trunk and stepped in the car as well. His mother started the engine successfully and drove away. Sherlock smiled closing his eyes. His mother was blabbering the whole way back. Sherlock just hummed here and then, not really listening. His thoughts were on John; the smile that made his beautiful eyes shine so bright, the way his soft lips felt under his, his warm hand cupping his cheeks.
Suddenly Sherlock felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He quickly took it out and saw John's name flash over the screen. He unlocked his phone and read the text.

Want to go to the park? My mom is invited from her colleagues to a barbeque later today. And guess who needs to keep her company... -JW

Of course, I'm home in two minutes –SH

When they arrived, Sherlock could see John waiting outside his house, blushing as they made eye contact.

"Oh hello John." Sherlock's mother greeted him cheerfully, as she took the bags in her hands. Sherlock was truly hoping that she won't hand him the condoms in front of John. And lucky for him she didn't. Sherlock placed the unmade hammock in the back garden and scurried back to John.

"Ready?" John asked, flashing a smile.

"Ready." Sherlock said. John smiled and interlocked his fingers with Sherlocks.

"John?" Sherlock asked a couple minutes later as they wheeled a corner.

"Yea?" John replied.

"What are we going to do on the bus and school?" Sherlock asked quietly.

"What do you mean?" John asked, frowning softly as he looked up at Sherlock.

"Us." Sherlock said. John sighed softly, understanding what Sherlock meant. He stopped and turned around, facing Sherlock. He pursed his lips together before speaking up.

"I will walk with you hand in hand everywhere, I kiss you in front of everyone, I will play with you curls during the breaks, I'm going to protect you from all those bullies and I simply admit to everyone that I am madly in love with my neighbour Sherlock Holmes." John pointed out. "I am not going to keep you a secret Sherlock." John sighed as a blush crept up both boys their faces.

"What if people start bullying you?" Sherlock asked quietly.

"It would be worth it." John said with a soft smile, squeezing Sherlock's hand. Sherlock returned the smile shyly and both continued walking to the park. When they entered the park, they went to a fountain, and sat on the edge of it. It was twenty-nine degrees so when the heat was getting to much, they could fresh themselves with water. They started talking about a case that Sherlock solved recently. John wondered if the police knows that Sherlock sometimes helps them solving a case. Sherlock said he liked to be anonymous. John thought it was ridiculous to hide such a talent away from the world. Greg Lestrade John's friend knew that Sherlock was solving cases. But his father never believed that a sixteen years old teen can solve cases that he can't.

Sherlock's birthday was soon, but John didn't know it. They both didn't know their birthday dates and Sherlock wasn't planning to tell John about his birthday. He hated birthdays, and he didn't see why it would be wrong to hide such a thing.

"When do you have to return?" Sherlock asked as he put his arms in the water, sighing contently.

"My mom will text me." John informed, Sherlock just nodded. "Your face is burning." John chuckled, tracing his forefinger over Sherlock's cheek. "Not smart to wear those clothes on a day like this. Mr Holmes." John pointed out. Sherlock was wearing tailored black slacks with a white button-up shirt. John ducked his hand in the water and smeared the water over Sherlock's forehead, the drops sliding down his face.

"Shorts doesn't fit me." Sherlock admitted, his cheeks flushing at John's caring.

"Liar, they would fit you perfectly. A Chino short, Cashew beige with your white shirt." John said dreamily. Sherlock rolled his eyes, pushing John playfully on the shoulder and snorted.

"Shut up." He said with a smile. John rolled with his eyes, smiling amusingly at him. A bit later both of them were looking at a dog that was barking for the whole neighbourhood. It was a black Chihuahua, the size of Sherlock's feet. The reason why the dog was barking was because their was a cat sitting on a bin. The dog somehow got loose from it's owner. And of course the dog started chasing after the cat. The cat led the dog right to the fountain and right by Sherlock, throwing him of balance. Sherlock's couldn't regain his balance and fell backwards right back into the fountain.

"Oh god Sherlock are you okay." Cried John. Sherlock coughed.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said as he looked up at John through his soaking curls hanging in his eyes. John reached out his hand. Sherlock took it and sat back on the edge of the fountain.

"You sure?" John asked again, worriedly.

"Yes, John it is just water." Sherlock muttered, wrapping his arms around himself. John then softly started laughing as he removed the curls out of Sherlock's eyes. Sherlock cocked an eyebrow, causing John to laugh even louder.

"Sorry. Just... Can't believe that you lost balance because a Chihuahua jumped on your lap for less than a second." John laughed and happily pressed his lips to Sherlock's wet ones.

"If you didn't have a meeting with your mom. I would have pushed you into it right now." Sherlock muttered. John chuckled, kissing Sherlock once again and wrapped his arms around Sherlock's wet body tightly.

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