10. The real you

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Like when they first met, Sherlock let John enter the bus first, being sure that John won't sit beside him. Sherlock turned off his sound from his phone, so he could hear if John would talk about him. Probably not, but you never know. John stood in front of the open bus door, turned his head to meet Sherlock's gaze. The taller boy jerked his head to the other side, avoiding any eye contact with him. John sighed and walked down the aisle, sitting in the back, Sherlock following behind, but stopped in the middle and sat himself down in an empty seat. A big amount of people were greeting the young doctor. Sherlock instead was greeted with hate. He clenched his teeth and grabbed a book out of his rucksack and began reading. After two minutes, Sherlock twisted slowly in his seat, lifting his head up to see how John was reacting. John was looking blankly at his lap, barely blinking with his eyes. Sherlock felt a pang of guilt filling himself. He then shook his head in annoyance, trying to stop thinking about John.


"Hey Mr Freak." Someone sitting behind Sherlock said. Sherlock ignored it, continuing staring outside the dull world.
"Fag, I'm talking to you." He said, nudging the back of Sherlock's head. All eyes were on the two. The person named Aaron started pulling at Sherlock's curls. Sherlock was trying not to say anything, even the pain was killing him.
"Hey hello? Don't you have a tongue?" He said rudely, laughing bitterly. His friend beside him leapt out his seat and settled him beside Sherlock. He ruffled Sherlock's hair, causing Sherlock to turn his head, meeting the bully's eyes.

"What do you want?" Sherlock growled.

"Nothing, we just wanted to say hello to our favourite fag here." Aaron smirked. Sherlock rolled his eyes and glanced back out of the window. The boy next to Sherlock ruffled his hair again, laughing.

"Hey what the hell, leave him alone." A similar voice said. Sherlock turned pale, trying not to look at John. Sherlock couldn't believe that John is protecting him again. After he just was completely rude to him.

"John, stay out of this." Aaron demanded calmly, looking at him with a blank expression.

"What's wrong with you two?" John asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"There is nothing wrong with us. This fag here is just annoying me here." He pointed out, running a hand through Sherlock's hair.

"Sherlock is just sitting there. How can he annoy you?" John questioned in disbelief.

"I dislike fags. Plus, his scent is frightful." The other guy said.

"My mother told me that he harmed himself after his dog died. How silly." A girl sitting in front of John said. Sherlock closed his eyes, sighing inwardly. There is one subject that can put him completely down. And that's Redbeard.

"Yes, cutting yourself for a dog. Best story I've ever heard." Aaron laughed, followed by others.

"I know that that thing is your neighbour John. But god, stay away from that freak." Donovan interrupted, after she finished snogging Philip Anderson, her lips were swollen and when she finished her sentence, she returned her head to the boy again, smirking and slammed her lips on his again. John rolled his eyes and looked over at Sherlock.

"You guys are sick." John muttered. If the guy beside Sherlock wasn't there, he would have settled him beside Sherlock, trying to comfort him.

The rest of the bus ride, everyone seemed to leave Sherlock alone. To his surprise though. When the bus pulled up on the school parking, he was the first one to leave. He dashed out the bus and practically ran, causing people to lift an eyebrow at him. He rushed to his locker so he doesn't have to see John.

Sherlock rapidly opened his locker, grabbed his math book and slammed it closed. He briefly looked at his side and saw a familiar figure walking in his direction. Their eyes met, and John stopped as he saw the panic look on Sherlock's face. The detective swivelled around and paced away, leaving a confused nor disappointed John in the hallway.

After this, Sherlock and John didn't see each other for days. Sherlock walked to school and back home. If he was honest with himself. He actually missed the little guy beside him, asking Sherlock if he was alright, trying to comfort him. Sherlock disliked John in the beginning, but part of him enjoyed it. And after this weekend, he admitted it to himself. John Watson was a special living creature. Someone who accepted Sherlock for who he was. And that never happened before. Even his parents disliked his personality.

Of course the protective brother had to ruin it.

It's Thursday, Sherlock wandered to his house, head hanging down. He wrapped his coat tighter around himself, shivering. When he approached his front garden, his eyes widened immediately when he saw John sitting in front of Sherlock's house. He stopped in his tracks, trying to find a way to avoid John, but it was too late. John looked up, a forceful smile on his face.

"What are you doing here?" Sherlock mumbled, slowly stepping closer. He ducked his hand in his coat pocket, grabbing his keys carefully.

"Is there any reason why you're avoiding me?" Sherlock could hear the stern and pleading tone as he spoke. John stood up.

"I'm not avoiding you, don't be stupid." Sherlock said, passing John and opened the door with his keys. John reached out his arm, grabbed Sherlock's wrist and turned him around. He then let his arm fall flatly at his side.

"Yes you are. Why?" John asked, his voice slightly cracking. Sherlock swallowed, opened his mouth but closed it again, not knowing what to say. "What did I do? I really thought we were getting along well." John said quietly. Sherlock sighed and walked inside his house, before closing the door he spoke up.

"It's not you. It's me. You should listen to the others, I'm a psychopath and a freak. Now, please stop." With that Sherlock closed the door and walked inside his house.

"I saw the real you, Sherlock." John said, hovering against the door before he left.

Next chapter will be fluffy don't worry xx

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