36. Ignore them

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The bus pulled up to its proper stop and the doors opened. Both boys climbed inside. Sherlock scanned the bus immediately. Everyone was silent. No one was laughing nor in a conversation with someone. Sherlock and John exchanged a quick glance, both their eyebrows furrowed. They went to their usual seats in the middle of the bus and sat down, setting their backpacks on the floor. There was a strange atmosphere. Not even one single person greeted John. It was like everyone was avoiding any sort of contact. Even the bullies didn't laugh at Sherlock. John cleared his throat and leaned closer to Sherlock.

"What's going on?" He whispered. Sherlock clenched his teeth, placing a hand on John's thigh, stroking it.

"I don't know. But we better don't talk either." He replied in a whisper. John nodded, placing his head on Sherlock's shoulder, Sherlock shifted his chin on the top of John's head. The rest of the ride to school happened in silence. Ten minutes later the bus rolled on the school parking. Everyone remained silence until they stepped out of the bus. They all began talking loudly, like it was the end of the day and everyone could go home. 

"Well, that was weird." John remarked as they were walking to their lockers, fingers entwined.

"Indeed." Sherlock muttered, looking vaguely around him. He got some stares from people, but he simply ignored it. He was accustomed to it.

"Do you think they did it on purpose?" John asked, lifting his head to stare at the younger Holmes.

"I don't know." Sherlock sighed, briefly flickering his eyes to John, forcing a smile. John looked away, frowning slightly. He decided he better stop talking about this subject, because Sherlock's positive mood was slowly disappearing. The doctor cleared his throat.

"So, what will you be wearing tonight." He asked, a playful smile growing on his lips. "The purple shirt?" He teased. Sherlock smiled, staring into John's hazel eyes.

"Tonight is special. I won't wear my daily clothes." He pointed out.

"Then wha-"

"I won't tell you. You have to wait until tonight, small man." He interjected with a smirk. "Can't wait to see you wearing a suit though." Sherlock added, wrapping an arm around John's waist, while they kept walking forwards, his slender fingers trailing over John's side.

"Who said I will wear a suit?" John said a playful smirk dancing on his lips.

"You can go naked too. I don't mind." Sherlock said in a deep baritone voice, making shivers run down John's spine. He rolled with his eyes, chuckling. Those butterflies that were in their stomachs the whole time were getting stronger.

"No way." He replied, laughing, nudging him softly with his shoulder.

"Pity." Sherlock mumbled.

"You want the whole school seeing me naked?" He asked, raising his eyebrows. Sherlock pursed his lips together, shaking his head.

"Better wear a suit." He assured. John smiled brightly, nodding. They approached the lockers. Sherlock let go of John and opened his locker. Meanwhile John did the same. They grabbed their stuff and closed the lockers.

"See you at lunch?" John asked, leaning his hands on Sherlock's chest.

"Definitely." Sherlock replied. John grinned, standing on his tiptoes attempting to reach Sherlock's lips. He placed a lingering kiss on Sherlock's cupped bow lips and pulled back.

"Don't take any risks, don't walk in empty hallways." John said softly. Sherlock nodded.

"The same goes for you." Sherlock replied. John's head jerked to the side if he saw a familiar figure walking.

"I will." He smiled warmly and quickly pecked his cheek. "Mark!" He yelled to the person walking a couple meters away. The boy turned his head, smiling as he noticed John. "Bye princess." John said cheerfully, walking away. Sherlock mumbled a goodbye and looked at John greeting his friend and how they wheeled a corner. Sherlock sighed, scanning the hallway. People were disappearing. He better go to his class on time, before a familiar person walks by. He picked up his backpack and swung it over his shoulder. He strolled to class 103, where Mr Hiddleston was waiting on him. He was sure that his teacher wanted to warn him about Jim last Friday.

He entered the class room. Briefly making eye contact with his teacher. Normally Sherlock would sent him a deadpan look. But this time he just walked to his seat and sat down, ignoring people their mean stares. The teacher Tom then began teaching. Sherlock didn't pay much attention, he just stared blankly ahead, blinking here and then.

"Hey fag, how are you." Someone behind Sherlock whispered. He clenched his teeth, trying his hardest best not to look nor spat a nasty deduction about the kid. "You two coming tonight?" He continued whispering. "Some people want to know. Do you two fuck?" He asked, grinning. One of his friends sitting next to Sherlock laughed softly.

"That's disgusting, stop it James." The guy next to Sherlock said, snickering. Sherlock turned pale, tightening his fist.

"Did you lost your tongue? You probably snogged to long with John, poor kid." He said teasingly, trying to lure Sherlock out of his calmness. Sherlock sighed, scanning the classroom. There was one free seat in the front. He raised his hand, waiting on Mr Hiddleston to let him speak up.

"Yes Sherlock?" He said, surprised that he raised his hand.

"Can I move to the front?" He asked politely. Tom frowned for a moment, but he then nodded.

"Yes, sure." He said and continued the lesson. Sherlock grabbed his stuff and stood up. He looked at the two bullies without an expression and wandered away.

Sorry for the short chapter; ugh D:

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