27. John's princess

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Sherlock sat in his last hour. He wasn't paying attention to Mr Hiddleston's lesson. He just sat there, staring blankly at his desk, deep in thoughts. Suddenly Sherlock's thoughts got disturbed by Molly Hooper who sat at his side.

"Congratulations Sherlock." She whispered shyly while her fingers were swirling around the end of her pony tail. Sherlock frowned slightly, not understanding the point of this.

"Thank... you." He muttered. Both Molly and Sherlock their heads snapped to their teacher as he had spoken up.

"Ms Hooper and Mr Holmes. Be quiet!" He said, clearly annoyed. Sherlock rolled with his eyes as an irritated sigh left his lips. Molly blushed madly as her handsome teacher said her name aloud. Sherlock noticed her blushing for Mr Hiddleston and looked at her with disbelief.

"Yea be quiet fag." Someone whispered harshly. Sherlock looked over his shoulder briefly and saw one of the big bullies looking at him with a mean smile plastered on his face. Sherlock sighed and did his best to ignore it. The guy named Akin kept saying words during the whole hour. "Did you two fuck already?" He asked. One of his friends at his side made a noise of disgust. Sherlock clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to calm down and concentrate on something else. "I wonder what Jim thinks about this." He whispered with a grin. Sherlock's eyes snapped open and he turned swiftly around.

"Shut up." Sherlock yelled, anxiety rising in his chest as he saw Akin sneering at him. Everyone turned to look at Sherlock.

"For god's sake Sherlock!" Sherlock's teacher Tom yelled, both his hands placed on his hips as he looked at Sherlock with a scowl. A pale Sherlock turned around with a growl. He muttered something unclear to his teacher. Mr Hiddleston ignored it and continued the lesson.

The bell rang and Sherlock jumped out of his chair and grabbed everything together, hastily putting everything in his school bag. He paced to the door but got stopped by Mr Hiddleston, who was blocking his way.

"Sherlock I have something important to tell you..." He said bit hesitantly. Sherlock rolled with his eyes and pushed past him, into the crowd of students. Mr Hiddleston sighed. Sherlock better stayed because the news of what he wanted to inform Sherlock with was pretty important.

The week passed by fast. Sherlock and John were most of the time together. Nothing about the Jim situation happened what was a big relief for Sherlock. Thursday when Sherlock walked out of the house to go to school. He saw Mycroft getting out of his car. Immediately Sherlock started asking him questions about Greg. Mycroft simply explained Sherlock that it was about Greg his future job as an Inspector and that everything was about business. Of course Sherlock could read that his brother was lying. He wanted to ask more about it but John was calling for him, telling Sherlock that they will miss their bus.

It's Friday now. Sherlock and John were walking hand in hand to their houses. John was staring with concern at Sherlock during the walk. He couldn't stop staring at the beautiful face of Sherlock. There was a light bruise on Sherlock's cheek from one the bullies who decided to hurt his princess today while John wasn't present. Sherlock briefly looked down at John and sighed at his staring.

"John I am fine." He grunted and looked away, the grip on John's hand tightening.

"I can't believe someone punched you." John said softly, his eyes full with worry.

"Beating me up was one of the things that happened daily, John. I am fine." Sherlock sighed.

"I will take care of the bruise." John assured. Sherlock looked down, his face softening at John's concern for him. He smiled slightly and nodded down at John.

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